Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Corona that goes Nuclear

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Before it is lost in your memory,  Coronavirus was created in a biological weapon's lab in Wuhan China, built by an Obama Harvard Jew, with full direction of Obama and Hillary Clinton at State.

China built this first strike weapon for use against the United States and other countries.

That virus though was replaced with two others, which were deliberately released in China.

That virus is now killing in Iran, Italy, Korea, Spain in a second phase.

This blog did an inquiry awhile back, probably in February after a certain Iranian terrorist was put down. Iran made a number of bold threats just before Coronavirus, and then went silent. There was a series of events building in the matrix in what Iran would retaliate with and it remains to be seen if these events will still manifest.

The problem in analyzing this is a reality that the United States has been acting guilty. It's Pentagon and CDC helped spread the virus in America. Her President never took the virus serious as it was killing around the world, and infecting Americans.
Not once did Homeland issue a security warning about terrorists trying to spread the virus, the way they went after White Nationalists. Not once did the FBI move to investigate who spread this virus.

It was all hands off, and when Mike Pence was made Germ Lord, he kept foreigner flying in and never shut down US ports for transport ships. He did nothing to stem foreign students from China or Iran, and he even went and exposed the White House to the plague by doing an event in Florida where a child's parent was sick with the plague.

That is puzzling or not worth noting to Americans, but to the rest of the world on death's door, it makes them start questioning if the US had a part in this virus. I have stated that I do not believe the United States had anything to do with the creation of the virus or releasing it in China, but it is the lackadaisical reactions to this virus which does not make any sense, for it is as if the Americans knew something, but were not saying.

That is what is missing is the explanation, and that is what will be noticed by nations like China and Iran as they have been hit hard, and will be looking to retaliate.

Nearly 10% Of Iranian Lawmakers Are Infected With Coronavirus, Iran’s State Media Reports   caller

After WHO helped spread this plague around the globe, WHO suddenly seeing dollar signs from American budgets, releases a statement which this blog has exposed that Corona is far more deadly than the flu. So George Noury and Rush Limbaugh can cease with their propaganda, and we can all be on the same page that this is a biological weapon which is now transmitting a serious lung infection which is lethal in person to person contact, airborne, something never experienced before in nature.

Coronavirus more deadly than flu but containable: WHO's Tedros - Reuters   reuters

This will burn through societies and a remnant will remain, and those same anti American hatreds will remain, but this time so will remain their own weapons of mass destruction, and the incentive that more that a dead terror leader is at stake, as the nations will be dead, vulnerable, and have nothing really to lose.

Iran's nuclear stockpile now five times over nuclear deal limit   jpost

Iran is expanding it's stockpile. China has a stockpile for a thousand weapons. When do dead nations targeted by the Pentagon, come to the conclusion that they have no other option, except to retaliate, on the most visible target which has been acting not like Americans usually act in sticking their noses into every mystery and trying to save themselves.

This type of discussion is supposed to take place behind closed doors, and be already leaked in white papers to explain US actions and to protect the United States from blame in situations like this. None of that has taken place as the Coronavirus is becoming a nuclear option for enemies of the United States.

I do not know what the time line is as I have not inquired of the matrix again. I do know that this Corona if a paradigm shift which was viewed years ago by others, it has changed the stream flow, and with it, it will bring to the surface new responses and push responses which were already projected.

This is how a biological weapon becomes a nuclear response. There has been zero discussion of this in neutralizing this, and that is troubling and perplexing, as the US response has been.

Iran in turmoil: Coronavirus kills the 'butcher' of Tehran - www.israelhayom.com   hayom 

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
