Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Coronavirus Military Districts of America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you observe the FEMA map of 10 regions, what is evident is they were drawn by New York oligarchs who view everything beyond DC and New York City as flyover country to exploit.

While Germ Lord Vice President Mike Pence has enough to screw up, I strongly suggest the Vice President and more importantly President Donald Trump, for dealing with Coronavirus develop their own Military Districts which would assist in resources, controlling a quarantine and build upon the natural east west flow of the United States, as America does not flow north south or in regional blotches.


This should be the President's military districts and plays upon the regional centers on distribution of supplies and containing a pandemic. America once had Departments of the Missouri and Departments of the West which the military protected and managed with efficient results in American settlement.


These districts in dealing with Coronavirus, would have central command and control, an east door, west door for supplies and control spread of virus, and a distribution network from a the main center, which would then flow on interstates to the political and economic centers already in place in each state.

How this is set into motion is through the military's logistics center to assess all supplies, and set about the manufacture and trade of resources which have been disrupted by China's manufacturing cessation.
In this a staff officer would be assigned to each region, overseeing an assistant in each state. The Governors of each state would meet with the staff officer in group to coordinate and with their own Emergency Management Teams, coordinate with the assistants in each state.

The distribution, manufacture, marketing is already in place. What this Military Districting would accomplish was to make certain that every American had the same things  they had before this in consumer goods. This would guard against profiteering so Americans would not be exploited.
In the end, I foresee this MD as a great consumer democratizing of purchasing. By this oversight and mass purchasing with distribution, rural stores in brier patch areas, would have the same high quality meats, fruits and grains that New York City received.

MD would also coordinate the greatest bandage in Coronavirus shortages, and this would be the online platforms of Amazon and Ebay, which with ensured deliveries, would in competition check price gouging and allow consumers individual tastes as refined as extra virgin olive oil to virgin olive oil.
MD would enforce quality and control. Thee would not be any more Chinese goods of inferior manufacture in the United States, as the American standard would again be reinforced. Tires would not rot on vehicles sitting in garages, but last 50 years as they once did.

Coronavirus does not have to be the doomsday event it can be. It can be instead the return of efficiency to thee American People in a complex system made to work for them for their benefit.
America to deal with Coronavirus should associate with 8 Federal Military Districts, where the power is in the regional governors. I honestly for the good of America, could see these districts as a grooming ground for future Presidents as Govenors would be exposed to regional and national associations which would lead to better management when they were elected by the People to the White House.

This one again is the Lame Cherry providing solutions for President Donald Trump.

Nuff Said
