Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Germ of Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

God has blessed me in, here am I, composing these posts a week ahead, that is how far these exclusives are coming, and as such, most of what I am speaking about is in archives to be published, and as they are not public yet, there are not any links to them.

I honestly was puzzled when Coronavirus showed up in Italy as a gamechanger. I was a bit less puzzled when Tel Aviv went berserk over Coronavirus, as it meant that Mosaad had it's hands in it for a Jewish angle somewhere and were concerned about being caught or in this case punished.

For the first time in quite sometime, I inquired about something in the matrix as I was wondering what Dr. Germ was involved in this about, and I naturally concluded he had to have an Italian connection, as Italy was getting bit for a reason.

Yes, a crippled Italy, means the Germanic center of Europe does not have Hitler's Tyrolean Gambit, nor will Sebastian Kurz face Italy making a mess of things in invading Greece and the Balkans, but this has a 3rd dimension to it, and I will reveal it as the story came from the time flow.

In the beginning, Iran contracted with Dr. Germ, to build a genus bomb to wipe out Sunni Muslims, namely Saudi Arabians. This would produce a Persian Shia Caliph from the Red Sea to whatever shit hole in Asia is Shia in the billions of lost souls.

Dr. Germ has his lab in Switzerland, where his work was taking place. His germ though or Arabian SARS was inadequate, so he contracted with a katsa or Mosaad operative to create a germ which would wipe out Arabs.
Mosaad is a group which is always working an angle. They are 3D too. Why just stop Iran, when you can make the Saud family grateful to you for saving their lives from a pandemic. So a tailored bioweapon for the Saudi genus was created for Dr. Germ. I did not ask, but yes it came from the state of Judah.
This virus was, well you know the results. It produces a high fever, lung troubles and shuts down the kidneys so the person dies. The problem is, it is incapable of transmitting or person to person contact. Whether the germ delivered to the Iranians was in the couscous, dried apricots or water, I did not ask, but after exposure, the patients were hospitalized, got better and that was it for the Arabian SARS, until Justin Trudeau's Canada had PLA Chinese working in Manitoba who stole it as the white print for Corona Wuhan as a first strike weapon to genocide the United States people, and make ready for the Chinese colonists.

As I have covered Wuhan in detail the past week, the focus is what did Italy do to the cartel to so irritate them? Iran caused the problem. You can see why the Jews of Tel Aviv pissed off the Jews of Europe. You know of China in the Peking World Disorder in why they got hit. You know why America is lurching to stone age economics, due to the fact that Europe can not dominate with the United States always pissing in the porage over there.

The answer to Italy is Libya. That does not sound like an answer, but Italy is the colonial protector of Italy. Libya has seas of oil and gas. That is why France and the UK were in on assassinating Khadaffi as they wanted that resource, and had to get it away from Khadaffi and Italy.

Italy though it seems still had Roman plans, as in this, Italy had a hand, where after the Saud family was turban down, they were going to get control of Iraqi and Saudi oil. I know from that Ostrovsky guy from Mosaad's expose' that the Jews and Italians are in tight together, as the framing of Donald Trump proved.
To explain this anomaly further, you know what OPEC is. Well without Arabs OPEC is just Iran. What was taking place here was JEWPEC. You know Jews have swindled the oil out of the Mediterranean to ship it to Europe in a big pipeline project. Well, the Jews and Italians were going to form their own oil consortium in controlling Mideast and North African oil on the ashes of OPEC.

As the Clinton's learned, you do not steal uranium from the cartel and sell it to China without approval, this little operation the Jews and Italians were involved in, in their region, ended up with China almost making Europe it's whore on a platter. It is bad enough stealing from the cartel, but it is really a death sentence to be turning the cartel into a dead whore for humping.

Of course the Jews knew their bug was not kosher, as it would not spread a plague. There was something in the matrix which was about a misting and it being inhaled, but the Saudi's still think the Jews saved them, hence the tight Shin Bet, Kushner, Netanyahu peace plans. That is another story which would be cutting the King of Jerusalem out of the throne there in the Habsburgs, as a great deal of contrary to the cartel was taking place and it just turned from a slap in the face to the cartel to pissing on their leather shoes.

It all works out as you can see, as the cartel has all the 3D going on and gets things figured out. America is in a precarious position financially as the markets will collapse, and there is a real problem for the world what Iran will do in death throws and what Chinese backbenchers will decide to do as the paddy daddy's are not going to want to leave the city for the rice fields, once the Chinese economy goes where it really belongs.

This is the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives.

Nuff Said
