Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Pedophile Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Who knew that a virus could be sexually attracted to children to save them eh?

Because those who built this virus, spliced in a sequence, that it only reacts beyond puberty to kill old people.

’We Simply Do Not Understand Why’: Coronavirus Is Sparing Kids, Puzzling Experts – NBC New York   nbcnewyork

When you can build a virus to kill a genus of people, you can build a virus which kills only children or kills only onset adults, narrowing it down to being especially lethal for those over 60, recognizing unique signatures in metabolism of the elderly.

The elderly are spacetakers, the working and welfare class can be controlled by money and guns, which leaves the children for the pedophile elite to molest legally. Elderly people are CONSERVATIVE voters. That leaves a majority of communist foreign vermin and communist youngsters who will legalize rape of children.
They are not going to kill off  the children, because they are draining their blood for their longevity potions. Children are a commodity. This blog warned they were coming after your children, and more to the point, this blog warned that the cartel does not do anything, unless it has numerous contingencies to fulfill.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

