Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Pipe Shirt

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What really leaks my gourd is how expensive clothes are, just like everything else. I rarely like revealing anything about me, but the one fact about me is if I could live in shorts and a muscle shirt for the rest of my life, I would be content.

The problem is in the thrift store is that muscle shirts are like 3.50 an item and I am not paying that for them, even if they are 15 in the real stores. This is my fashion statement though in how to get by on things that I love, and that is I purchase shitty t shirts.

Shitty t shirts are like t shirts with stupid ass sayings. I have one that says STAMP OUT R. I figure that is racism which is dumb ass as racism is a good thing. Jews hate the goy with a passion, so racism is a great thing in everyone hates  Christians and everyone knows Polacks are so smart they are stupid.

So I buy these t shirts for 25 cents as once a month there is a quarter sale at the thrift. TL allows me to purchase things as TL says, "When the world melts down, you can always barter clothes", and we have some great clothes.
I make a point of purchasing heavy t shirts and henleys. I love all things like that, and the roomier the better. I am completely content in swimming in my shirts and I wear Wrangler jeans for the most part as they fit my build best.

What I do is I do not on the t shirts, ever cut the threads in the sleeves, but instead I just use a scissor and cut along the seam. That way the seam is hemmed and it is a quick way of manufacturing a Pipe Shirt. And yes I have nice pipes. I also have a gun so behave.

I have found as of late that there are new materials around which are like threadless. They remind me of felt cloth and they are unique in never unraveling.
I am wearing such a shirt now that says Volcom Stone. I have no idea what hipster shit this is, but it works as a pipe shirt. I am not someone who likes  shirts with messages on them as I do not want people looking at me and reading what is something to be remembered by. I want to be unknown, left alone and never noticed, but that is rarely the case as it seems people are always paying attention to me.

Anyway if you live in a Richard and Stephanie world of heat, then this is a good way to manufacture clothes. Of course Richard and Stephanie are not a coon chasin' wild woman like me, but if you are someone that other people would never dare tell their inlaws about, then you probably would benefit from my kind wardrobe made 25 cents easy. I have a pile of these clothes and my main problem is now that there is not enough warm weather to enjoy my attire which would really be me living in the East Indies, shooting Boogermen and catching sail fish in the Andeman Sea.

Nuff Said
