Saturday, March 14, 2020

Thee American Strain of Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are as of the second week of March, 4 strains of Coronavirus operating in the world.

The original S and L Strains of China.

The Persian Strain

The Italian Strain

Thee American Strain.

The propaganda must stop in this, but it will not stop, as those behind this, are going to have to cover their tracks or face Nuremberg Trials for crimes against humanity.

This all began when Iran created Arabian SARS, China stole it to make a first strike weapon against the United States and India in Corona Bat SARS, and then an outside group 'acquired' from Fort Detrick, the germ lab, a mirror virus to release in Chinese labs, before the Chinese could release it on the world.

As this blog has stated, the cartel does nothing flat world. They have numerous agendas when they unleash a program. For China and Iran it was payback, for the United States the meaning of the crippling blow is manifesting, that the strain designed to kill Americans, was tailored not as a genetic weapon alone, but this weapon advanced to being an age weapon. Coronavirus American was designed to kill old people.

’We Simply Do Not Understand Why’: Coronavirus Is Sparing Kids, Puzzling Experts – NBC New York   nbcnewyork

 This has puzzled the experts, but as this blog already explained, dead children are not around to suck blood from in longevity transfusions and dead children are not around to molest as this is a pedophile elite.

As I have stated the Washington nursing home infection, was a deliberate test of this virus strain, and it is most lethal and effective. People literally are showing no signs of the virus and dying hours later. For those who are aware of another Chinese plague in cholera, people were absolutely healthy in the morning and dead by night. This American strain is exhibiting a same manifestation as the L Strain from China, but in China middle age people were keeling over in the streets, in America, it is old people who are dying in hours without warning.

Washington nursing home with coronavirus outbreak reported shocking escalation from 'no symptoms to death'

Life Care "had seen some residents go from no symptoms to death in just a matter of a few hours." "It was surprising and shocking to us that we have seen that level of escalation from symptoms to death,"

This pedophile strain of Corona is by design, but there are signs again that the Obama hold overs, who spread this Corona into the United States from China and Italy, were at work in Trump's budget, which appeared with puzzling cuts in Social Security and Medicare, as if they knew the old people would all be dead. This was designed to tag this onto Donald Trump as a heartless conspirator, but once again it is in the deep state shadows which created this budget for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is a geezer. There is not any way this man is going to allow into America, a virus to kill old people, when both Trump and Pence are geezers. Time is going to tell in if this was an assassination virus, which appeared out of Jew Pac, the same Mosaad intelligence group at odds with Shin Bet Kushner, and who assisted setting up Russiagate and the Impeachment over Ukraine which dripped with Jews.
Americans may very well not have a President, Vice President, Speaker as Pelosi is older than mold, McConnell is older than dirt, and that runs to Mike Pompeo at age 57 of the lying CIA deep state who may be your President by August.

There have been odd things happening in the United States, like Continuity of Government drills out in Nebraska and the Heartland that others noted and were wondering in January if this was about Russia and nuclear weapons.
This blog warned all of you that someone was making a non confirmed Department of Defense in charge of a junta, as people were being forced out, and what remained were operatives who are fixated on starting a war with China and Russia.

To back this up, where did Obama put a mass extinction center but in Omaha, and where were Corona dumped but in Nebraska, California and Texas Republican areas by Obama hold overs, and who provided the plague bases but the Pentagon.

Those are the facts, not a conspiracy when the data is examined.

As this has not played out fully, I had assumed that the Mexicans would be an infected group by design. In genus warfare, I had not factored in the reality that a biological bomb, would also be capable of being an age bomb, to cull out the elderly in America.
Appropriately Coast to Coast with George Noory had a data manager on who was talking about 8 million seniors had died since 2016, and the millennial are taking their place. He stated the old people voted Conservative, while the mills voted communist. You are looking at an entire Republican demographic which will be removed by November 2020 as they will be dead.

Fauci says elderly with underlying conditions must
suspend travel and distance from public 'right now'

I have been harping on Webster Griffin Tarpley's revelation that his elite were going to split the democratic party into a Nazi and Communist branches and make the GOP a 3rd rate party.
We can see the reality of that in Coronavirus, in the elite will make the GOP a 3rd rate party as all their voters will be dead in a crematoria.

In dealing with old people, there is not any way in hell, that old people can stock up on enough supplies and stay home for the CDC's this year and maybe next year quarantine. The inactivity and isolation will kill them. They need care and by the very means to protect them, it will kill them.

CDC: Older Americans should consider stocking up on food and medications and avoid venturing out as coronavirus spreads

I was factoring this on the Chinese L and S strains of Corona, but it is evident that there is an additional strain at work in the United States, in the American G or Geriatric Strain, which was designed to free up billions, change voting registries and transform the United States by stupid  millennial into a Nazi and Communist union.

What is taking place is whistling through the American graveyard. If this goes unchecked, Caucasians will be a minority by next year as will Protestant, Conservative voters on a standing with Blacks of the same voting group, and it is going to go unchecked.
If America is left with this vermin 3rd world cancer of Indian Hindu, Muslim Sunni and Shia, Jewish Communist and Mexican Jesuit, the United States will be the mongrel on the chain of Europe.

These are not projections, they are realities of this Coronavirus based on the released data.

......and for those millenial who think themselves safe in their youth, just remember the other strains were also housed in the testicles in this was a sterilization virus, meaning no future for the communist youth either.

This once again, is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
