Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Things Dumber than a Democrat

Geez Mike, I never saw golf shoes with 3 foot platforms.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well Super Tuesday taught us two things. Don't appoint Mike Pence to stop the Corona plague as went out and caught it, and that democrats the democrats at the top picked Elizabeth Warren, while democrats at the bottom picked Bernie Sanders, which meant the crooked democrats rigged the election so Joe Biden would sell the presidency to a fag Mayor from Indiana and a horse face she thing from Minnesota, and that propelled the pervert no one wants in Joe Biden to "victory.

Warren reassessing path forward for campaign, according to aide   oann 

I really do not know what Elizabeth Warren who voted for Republicans, waves her hands around like Crazy Granny, and looks lost in a nursing home could be reassessing, as no one wants her, but a the rich few.
Seriously Elizabeth Warren peaked in December 2016 and has been going down a 50 G force gravity well to the bottom ever since. Thee only person who is dumber is Mike Bloomberg, or that rich guy no one knew was running in that Steyer.

Brian Williams on Bloomberg Loss: ‘Didn’t Have the Night He Thought He Paid For’ - Gregg Jarrett   thegreggjarrett 

Billionaire Bumblers: Bloomberg, Steyer Spent at Least $1,063,718,074 Trying to Oust Trump - Conservative Choice Campaign   conservativechoicecampaign 

Bloomberg spent 500 million dollars in trying to get people to like him. Apparently Bloomberg means in the Polynesian Islands, Free Money, as that is the only group of Americans who voted for this most unlikable person.
I wonder about rich people who need to be validated. There was a real queer bastard named Mark Dayton in Minnesota, who spent his family fortune to be a US Senator, like after trying 10 times, and then to be Governor, and no one cared.
It is like that with Michael Bloomberg, in he was Mayor of New York, who went Nazi in roughing up minorities to stop crime. It worked like telling his prego staff to get aborted, but no one wanted a solution as who knew intimidating New York Nigs would make them behave and not rob people.

None of it matter as Bloomberg looks like the biggest damn fool in the world at the moment. 500 million dollars to make people like you, and no one still does. I wonder if this Jew would have spent all he had if someone would have liked his mother or something.

Personally, you know it is bad when Mark Simone of New York radio is mocking you, as a cold tyrannical prick. Apparently in New York, Michael Bloomberg had orders everywhere he went that no one could talk to him, touch him or look at him. It must be what was wrong with his campaign as he only appeared in isolated locations as he did not want contact with democrats.

He does have that one hot mom though. The anti gun honey, she is hot, and she stands in the same room with him. I would have stopped with that if I was Mike, because Bill Clinton did ok with unarmed women in rooms where they could not get away from him. Then again he had that little faggot David Hogg from Florida, but I don't know where that odd creature disappeared to with his one eyebrow and his perpetual rage against his parents and life.

I have a deal for Mike Bloomberg, He pays me 1/10th of what he spent on nothing in trying to get democrats to love him, which is like 50 million make it 1/20th as this is allot of work and taxes are high with Trump yet. So he pays me that and I will on this blog post letters from people telling Michael Bloomberg how much they adore him. The plan is I will upon receipt of that payment, give people 100,000 dollars, until like 30 million dollars is gone. They can wear I LIKE MIKE t shirts or DON'T TOUCH THE MIKE, send in photos and be paid 100,000 dollars. That would be like 300 people, and by that time Michael Bloomberg would be satisfied that the country loves him and he can go back to having back rubs from David Hogg.

I mean for 500 million dollars, you could buy an island or something and be King of Tarpon and people would adore you as you would get US aid, and hand it out to them. Could have a band playing tunes for you, advisors to bow to you, and it sure would be better than being President of a country where you are a whore to the elite and half the country hates you.

500 million dollars to find out people hate your Jew ass. See that is the problem in the Jew lusters already had Bernie to bang the bong, so Mike was on the losing side getting in. Plus, he looks like a goddamn almost dwarf. I mean people love dwarfs, Snow White and all, but what people just can not stand is people who straddle being a dwarf. You got to embrace being a petite person, and not put on big shoes and prance around like you are a regular genetic sort. See if Mike would have ran as a dwarf, he would have cleaned Biden's clock. People are just not attracted to politicians who reject their inner dwarf when the outer is visible.
I do not know what that Steyer is as I only saw a glimpse once. He just looked pervy to me, and when you got Joe Biden perving out, you just have no appeal.

It does appear though that Biden's cabinet is taking shape without Mike Bloomberg. He has weird Beto who no one wants, that horse face Klobuchar who people cringe at, and I think he picked up other endorsements, but he rejected James Comey's.  That I have to agree with that messiah complex fool having the Tweet slammed in his face. I mean Comey is .........he acts like he has some moral authority to judge who is moral and who is not. You know that is bat shit crazy bad if Joe Biden and his people are tossing you to the curb. The one saving thing for Mike Bloomberg is that he did not rush out and try to be friends with the jilted Comey so someone would love him.

So my offer stands to Mike Bloomberg, Donate a cash wad to the Lame Cherry, and you can come here and read about how much people love you. I am sure there is something even I would find to like about Michael Bloomberg, besides fondly thinking of the day they bury him in his little extended dwarf crypt and sing those nice Jew songs, as I like Jew songs. I could tell you which one is my favorite but I do not speak Jew.

Anyway, we have learned there are things dumber than democrats. Michael Bloomberg, Elizabeth Warren and James Comey for three.

Yes Mini Mike I got you the child's portion platter.
