Sunday, March 15, 2020

Turn Your Head And Corona

Turn Your Head and Corona

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you can think past the emotions, and examine the data in this life fire exercise of Coronavirus, the data is telling you what this thinking virus is focused upon. If you look at Coronavirus, you are seeing into the minds of the geniuses who released this virus, but are working on so many facets of using this crisis too good to waste.

There is good news as Joe Biden, hiding in his bunker, has finally found his voice, the problem is, he thinks he is President of the United States and is issuing orders.

As you can see the markets are in free fall. The President would not offer more money to Wall Street, so Wall Street pulled the plug and now Wall Street will receive a trillion dollars more to protect the assets of the billionaires.
The DOW has plunged to 21,000. I have not inquired since the original inquiry, but this trillion dollars is a waste or blackmail looting of the Treasury by Goldman Sachs, and it is still headed to the 11,000 point level. I am not in the market in being a poor orphan girl, so it's only interest is how the cartel is utilizing it to finish off America as 9 11 began, Obama 2008 plunge set this up, for the Black Corona March.

TickerSecurityLastChangeChange %
I:DJIDOW JONES AVERAGES21200.62-2,352.60-9.99%
SP500S&P 5002480.64-260.74-9.51%
I:COMPNASDAQ COMPOSITE INDEX7201.801786-750.25-9.43%

It is a numbers focus. Listen to what WHO is telling you, as they helped spread this virus by enabling China's cover up. WHO is telling you that 80% of the cases will be mild, 20% will be deadly. That projects realities in the two strains, one major S Strain, and branches of the L Strain which is deadly are being released.

The data on this is even more precise as this blog has told you. It was found that 15% of the mild strain puts people into critical condition. The cure kills at a high rate. Add in the 6% of the deadly strain, and you find the 20% number of dead and critical.

The Lame Cherry will explain what this is in reality. There have been operatives sent out from the beginning who spread the L Strain to kill people, put them into critical condition, to set off the panic. What follows then are the shedders and spreaders of the inoculation of the S Strain, which continues to kill without symptoms, continues to put people into critical condition, and continues to kill people with the lesser strain to pin a nation and economy down, as this is part of the greater objectives being advanced by the thinking Coronavirus.

I firmly believe a transmission point are ingested bottled water in the deadly strain. This follows a pattern and I firmly believe that human excrement, as diarrhea is involved. As people do not wash hands, this then is placed onto doors, tables, carts, rails, whatever to spread the L Strain, which is not airborne for the most part.

What this blog has been stating is fact. This virus damages the lungs as would TB.

Some 'recovered' patients may have reduced
lung function and are left gasping for air while
walking briskly, Hong Kong doctors find

As this blog exposed early, Coronavirus is in male testicles and it sterilizes them as does mumps.

Hubei government deletes report Stating CV
Can damage male fertility - (Population Control)

Here is the projection on this data. We know China had two strains released in L and S.

There is a strain in Persia and in Italy.

Jews seem to be carriers of the S Strain and will die from the L Strain.

The L Strain was spread to specific outliers to be the stormtrooper shock troops, for when the shedders of the S Strain appeared.

The United States was hit early with the L. It is still being exposed to the Italian strain, which is a strain highly targeting the elderly.

There are now cases of Negroids being infected in the United States. Spain has clusters appearing, this leads to the conclusion that the Mexican will be on this list of being mass infected. The projection is that this will be a deadly strain as in Italy.

In the United States the focus is economics and politics. The elderly are being neutralized as they vote Conservative. The economics are crashing thee American economy, for the emerging superpower structures set up in Europe by Sebastian Kurz.

This concludes this lesson in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
