Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Head Up Their Ass Coronavirus Experts

Just vaccinate people with Ganges water as it is toxic and if people survive
it is the cure.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Whenever I read these experts assessing the Coronavirus, as if it is just one virus, when it has been published after the exclusives of this blog, that there are numerous strains of this biological weapon, it makes one wonder what kind of Dumb Ass U they were issued a diploma from.

Stanford University professor of medicine Dr. Jay Bhattacharya told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Tuesday that he believes the actual death rate from the coronavirus pandemic is "likely orders of magnitude lower than the initial estimates."
"Per case, I don't think it's as deadly as people thought," Bhattacharya told host Tucker Carlson. " ... The World Health Organization put an estimate out that was, I think, initially 3.4 percent. It's very unlikely it is anywhere near that. It's it's much likely, much closer to the death rate that you see from the flu per case."
"The problem, of course, is that we don't have a vaccine," Bhattacharya added. "So in that sense, it's more deadly and more widespread than the flu, and it overwhelms hospital systems, the ways the flu doesn't."

Different strains of viruses have different mortality and infection rates. To explain this, that this head up the ass swammie does not get, the Italian strain is deadly to Italians, as are other strains released for genus groups, but they do not produce death defying results in other species of humans.

The original L strain in China, the lethal strain is the one which caught every person's attention as it kills almost everyone. I call it the shit eater strain, because it is eaten and this is what causes the the severe reaction.
This is the infamous strain which boomerangs or people have it like Boris Johnson or Bob Glazer for a week, feel like they are getting over it, and it knocks the hell out of them in a day, puts them on ventilators and in most cases the people do not recover.

These strains are unique in the S strain which immunizes, as in older people it produces anti bodies. In younger people, they can find no immunization, meaning they will contract this virus again. In one specific strain, it goes inactive to surface again.

This Coronavirus is a numerous group of specific genus viruses meant to kill or incapacitate target groups.

So to take a study and say it kills at 3.4% or another and say it kills at .1% or to say, this virus kills 24% of those who contract it, is taking the virus out of context.
The lethal strain or shit strain kills at a very high rate, but if one introduces the inoculation strain, the numbers plummet as that strain has a 10 to 15% critical and kill ratio. The numbers drop as different strains appear.
This is why Germany has a low mortality rate, as Germans do not die readily from the Italian and Spanish strains. Blacks were almost immune from the Chinese strain, but the Negro strain actually kills them at much higher rates.

Minnesota which is quite racist in it's tabulations of data, reveals some startling data.

Mexicans in Minnesota are reported at 5% of the infected, and yet they are dying at 3% of the total group, which is extremely deadly. Blacks are infected at 10% and dying at 3%, Asians are 4% and dying at 1%. While people are looking at the large numbers of Whites contracting and dying, the reality is there are more White people so more chances for "Whites" which have too many groups lumped in with them, to contract this bioweapon.
Whites have 68% of the cases with 87% of the deaths. That sounds high, but Whites are in a majority of more than 68% so they are less infected than other groups, and the Whites dying are in most instances the lethal strain which was ingested, in order to produce the panic of how deadly this bioweapon is. After thee initial infection, the rates drop off from the 24% in Whites and even out, as  the other introductions of this virus into Black, Hispanic and Asian groups climb.

It is ridiculous to factor in the inoculation strain, as it would be akin to factoring in a vaccine to the group of tuberculosis in how deadly that infection is.

These experts should know better than the spew they are reporting. Some are given degrees and positions because they are this damned stupid, while others are stooges paid to promote the "vaccine" which of course is worth billions of dollars and cause as many problems as the inoculation strain does.

Those behind generating the false narrative are seizing control of the narrative with all this false data and far too many shit for brains are not processing out the lies.

Let me be frank in this. There is a group in this, whose interest it is to herd all of you out to expose yourselves, get sick, make money off of it, cause another spread, create more draconian laws, and then blame Donald Trump for the pandemic they are re establishing, with their guesses of "We thing lots of people got this, but we can't prove it, but they caught corona, and did not know it, so there is nothing to worry about, so go be a slave and earn some more cash for the nation rapists".

Numbers of prominent people were deliberately infected with the shit strain virus by drinking bottled water, Boris Johnson for one in an  assassination coup. Others like President Trump were coofed at by carriers in the White House, AIPAC and CPAC in an attempt to cause a crisis in America to exploit.
Others have experienced the shedders and spreaders in two dispersion of different viruses from November in the first wave to the infections by China and Italy brought into the United States. These virus are smart weapons and of specific design and until the complete assessment is produced in any analysis, this propaganda which Tucker Carlson featured is worthless and only going to cause more problematic waves in America.

Take the example in Sioux Falls SD which is in meltdown from 1 carrier. There are now hundreds of cases exploding in the beaner groups as this the Mexican strain. It is lethal and overwhelming the system in South Dakota. Telling people that this virus is not that deadly is bullshit. If you are Austrian you probably have less than 2% chance of acquiring it, but if you are Mexican, this is like Raid to bugs.
SARS killed Mexicans and SARS killed Indians in higher numbers. Those are the facts and the facts in this are Coronavirus kills in different rates on strain and genus. We are not all the same human species, that bullshit of we all bleed red is bogus when it comes to biological weapons like these strains of Coronavirus.

If Donald Trump takes the sucker bet and opens up America, the projection is that this Mexican strain is going to do Mexico and the rest of America in the beaner communities, what it is doing in South Dakota, and Trump will be blamed for it, as no one is informing him to make the point that this virus kills races of people differently and that must be weighed or the problems South Dakota is having in their medical system bankrupted by Mexicans is going to appear in every community these beaners are collected.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
