Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Coronavirus Afroid Problem

We have a Negro problem with Coronavirus....


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You will remember at the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, how an Obama black NBA player mocked President Trump's warning of Coronavirus, by running around licking media cameras, and immediately came down the virus and infected the NBA, and yet in that, Corona was not at the beginning of this infecting the Black community across America or in Africa.

I focus a great deal on Minnesota for stats as they are liberal liars and are covering up the Corona spread, but in their states appear most disquieting numbers they have not realized yet and that is South Pacific peoples and Blacks (Whites included) are dying at a much higher rate than the infection.

The South Pacific peoples in Minnesota have less than 1% of the cases, but experienced 2% of the deaths. The problem is that stats was on April 9th, and when April 10th appeared, that stat was missing on Island people's dying at all. Minnesota is cooking the books. The reason we know this, is their death rates total 101%. It can only be 100%, but that is what happens when stats are being rigged for political purposes in protecting the number Hispanics who have died.
In a likewise troubling stat, Blacks in America have 8% of the cases in Minnesota and 2% of the deaths. A few days ago, they were listed at 5% of the cases and no deaths, so it means Coronavirus has found a home in the Afroid community.

While this is taking place, the data people are wondering why Blacks in Florida are not dying, as they are beginning to die in areas like Chicago. Remember that in New York it was predominantly Chinese who were dying, not Americans.

As this blog has stated, Coronavirus is a thinking virus. It infected Seattle Chinese, but Chinese in Vancouver were not in pandemic. There are anomolies all through this virus, and it can be due to only one purpose and that this virus is appearing in different strains, and it is being deliberately planted to infect specific groups of people at different times.
The Chinese were first with 2 strains. America had an A strain which I have documented, There was the Persian strain, then the Italian strain.  Then a Spanish strain, and yet no infections in Latin America, until that wave was scheduled and now the Mexicans are beginning to become infected, but as the Mexicans simmer, the wave after the Italians is cresting in Black America, another Trump voting block under votercide pressure.

Where Coronavirus Wuhan loved killing the sugary Chinese and sweet old White men in February, suddenly after a spaghetti and taco dinner, it has moved onto the dark chocolates and brown sugar of the Negroid race.
The Chinese were blowing coofer on Africa in the same rate as Italy, and the Negroid was immune early in this, but now the Negroid is not immune, In fact the Surgeon General sounded a dire warning that Black nations have 3 times the infection rate and 6 times the death.
That sounds a great deal like Bill Gates population control and even a bigger Bill Gates profit margin in force vaccinations, where he can tag all the coons like the Nazi's put the gold stars on the Jews.

Yes Coronavirus is a thinking virus and it is now of a mind that terrorizing the Negro race for profit and control is the best remedy for this virus. For those who have read this blog, they will remember that it was spoken of here first of designer strains of Coronavirus to target specific genus. You will remember that I did not want to go into detail over concerns of triggering those behind this, a need to kill off a few different races to hide what they were doing, but now the thinking virus has a penchant for a smorgasbord in it appears most of the world is to be snacked upon, and  Russian caviar is making the list as much as Saudi royals in those sweetened dates.

As the novel coronavirus sweeps across the United States, it appears to be infecting and killing black Americans at a disproportionately high rate, according to a Washington Post analysis of early data from jurisdictions across the country.

The emerging stark racial disparity led the surgeon general Tuesday to acknowledge in personal terms the increased risk for African Americans amid growing demands that public-health officials release more data on the race of those who are sick, hospitalized and dying of a contagion that has killed more than 12,000 people in the United States.

A Post analysis of available data and census demographics shows that counties that are majority-black have three times the rate of infections and almost six times the rate of deaths as counties where white residents are in the majority.

Obama has been not the protective messiah that Blacks prayed he would be, as in Chicago the stats after going Chinatown quiet, has erupted in the worst of genocide events. The Southside has 50% of the infections in Chicago, in only being 30% of the races there. 7 in 10 dead in Chicago though are Black.

Coronavirus Negroid Strain really likes killing Afroids and burning out the virus so it can not survive. Yes those behind this, and it is not China are killing off Blacks in numbers who would vote for Donald Trump.

The joyous news in this is Bill Gates, Dr. Dirty Needles, has provided an insight which has been hidden, but only this blog has reported, and that is the Hispanics are dying at twice the rate as Blacks. Again, that is fascinating information, as Minnesota has gone to great pains, to cover up their Hispanic infections and death rates, because they are plague spreaders, but are good for the Minnesota economy, and the officials there do not want the metro mob finding out what the threat is there in Mexicans.

Earlier this week, officials in Chicago, Illinois were among the first to release a racial breakdown of the city's 6,100 cases. More than half were African American, despite only the group only accounting for 30 percent of the city's 2.7 million residents. Seven in 10 patients who died from COVID-19 in the city were African American, officials said.
In New York, the epicentre of the pandemic in the US, the coronavirus is killing African Americans and Hispanics at twice the rate of white people, according to preliminary state data.

You will note that the pandemics of cropping Blacks is in liberal controlled states, which have Blacks who will vote for President Trump. It is almost as if someone went in and sowed a Negroid strain of Coronavirus to abort the Afroids out of the womb.

As of Friday morning, African Americans made up almost half of Milwaukee County’s 945 cases and 81% of its 27 deaths in a county whose population is 26% black.
In Michigan, where the state’s population is 14% black, African Americans made up 35% of cases and 40% of deaths as of Friday morning. Detroit, where a majority of residents are black, has emerged as a hot spot with a high death toll.

African Americans make up just 27 percent of the S.C. population but account for 46 percent of the Palmetto State’s deaths from COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, according to figures released this week by state health officials. That’s more than any other ethnicity.

In each death concerning COVID-19, the patient had an underlying health condition.
Of those cases, two were Caucasian, two were Hispanic and eight were African American.

The damning information in this is, Blacks in Houston have risk factors to contract Coronavirus and die. Whites have the least it is stated, and yet it was Whites who were dying in the majority at the start of this to get the money flow attention to this pandemic, and in New York the Beaners are dying at an even rate with Blacks, when the Beaners have fewer medical conditions than even Whites.
It is data like this, which reveals that the risk factors being blamed for deaths, are not being proven out. We were told old people would die in mass, and the infection rate is in the 20 to 49 year old group, along with women being in the majority.

Doctor Stephen Linder with UT Health has been examining underlying health conditions by region and by race. He said that 55% of Africans Americans in the city of Houston have at least one of the seven risk factors, compared to 43% of whites and 37% of Hispanics.

As Coronavirus is being infected into Black populations in America, it is certain that it already has been salted into Africa. Coronavirus has a pattern of the infection of a few cases appear, it goes dormant as it incubates, and in 2 weeks it erupts, and goes complete volcanic in a month.

Africa appears to be about 1 month behind as the last group to be culled by Coronavirus. The Mexicans are the next productive wave in the Americas. There should be a small seismic on the world scale, but titanic in numbers for American Indians, as why should the few have all of that valuable land, at least that is what the thinking virus would have thought.

On April 7, the Alabama Department of Public Health released its demographic data captured since the state began testing on March 5. Its findings now show that black people make up about 37% of confirmed cases and 52% of deaths, despite amounting to only 27% of Alabama's population

In neighboring Louisiana, more than 70% of reported COVID-19 deaths have been African Americans, though they only represent about 33% of the state’s population. 

As of 5 p.m. Wednesday, the state reported 323 coronavirus deaths. Of those, 17 percent were African American, mirroring the state’s African-American population.
Dr. Raul Pino with the Florida Department of Health in Orange County says early numbers are showing fewer African-Americans getting coronavirus in Orange County.
“The early data that we are looking at, it seems like caucasians are getting it more than Afro-Americans," said Pino.
He says one factor is density, centered on how many people are living in one particular home or area.

The way this will factor out is most of the civilized world will have been affected by Coronavirus, as these later pandemics emerge and the comment will be, "Oh how sad that is" while the thought will be, "Glad that is happening as more of them should die".

Here am I thankful, that by God's Grace I have been proven right on this virus, as it is genius and wonderfully plotted. That means someone is in control and it means more dominoes will fall to occupy the mob, because the mob will have to distracted, so they do not remember how this all started, as once you start a biological first strike, you have to keep things rolling or it will roll back on you.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Sort of makes me sad as I like fried chicken and watermelon, the great Negro contribution to the world. They just deserved better than that.

Nuff Said
