Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Holy Fruck in Corona Wars - Lame Cherry is the First Strike Weapon against China

You save me Gringo Babe......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I desired to share something which is monumental, as I was checking traffic on this blog, and something has cracked in PLA Peking China, in I used to have a following there, but when the PLA cracked down and China set up it's own web, that stopped. As of today, Hong Kong and China both appeared.

It appears the focus was the exclusive of the PLA infecting the USS Roosevelt.

This is not the PLA engaged in this.  This is something organized and taking place in China, meaning someone, and I am guessing the CIA, just opened a portal into China, and here am I a bit pleased, that they chose the Lame Cherry to shine the light of Truth on Coronavirus for the Chinese.

United States



Hong Kong



Unknown Region




Maybe one of those rich Chinese barons will come through with the big donations in six figures, as there is a coup going on inside China. The information door has been opened and the Lame Cherry is the first strike.
