Friday, April 3, 2020

President Killing Off Strains of Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If I hear Bill Cunningham or George Noory, whining the Wall Street line of "We got to get the economy moving"...........I am going to post this article to prepare each of you for the reality of life.

The United States is currently tracking ever cellphone to track Coronavirus spread. There are numbers of public overreaches in place, which usually take place in private. I am not condoning any of this, but am examining in this and warning each of you, so that you are not overtaken by where this will probably trend.
The United States is already as Nazi or Socialist State, but there is not the sort of direct government mandates as in Nazi Germany or what is in modern Russia.

Europe under the feckless leadership of the Union appointed leader, which Manny Macron and Angela Merkel appointed as their puppet, is moving toward a centralized leader, or Nationalism in Europe, meaning the nationalization of businesses to manage them.

COVID Plunges Eurozone Into Crisis With
European Currency on Verge of Exploding

If the Coronavirus moves past June, President Donald Trump will have to for the sake of keeping the lights on, implement a more rigorous Franklin Roosevelt wartime direction for US production. This is not something America has not had previously as from 1940 onward, the United States had communist controls on US agriculture in telling farmers how much they could produce and plant.

The United States has 10 weeks for the 2 trillion dollars which were hog troughed through Congress. That is according to Steve Mnuchin of the Treasury. So the checks start going out in 3 weeks, that is April 21st. I doubt most people are going to binge buy, but will ration, so the result is that by July 4th the economy will run out of steam will happen before that, but that is the window in mid June where the President is going to have to make a move to nationalize production in America.

That is what I mean about Bill Cunningham and these other rich suits whining about the economy. If they want to force people into Corona exposure for their portfolios, then get your ass out from behind that mic and go shovel coal or do the checkout thing to keep America running. There is far too much of this bullshit coming out of other people's lives are expendable for the people behind the mics.
This blog commends the President for keeping social distancing on to the end of April, because the data is proving THAT IT IS WORKING.

The President has actually been killing off strains of Coronavirus and for that he should be commended.

What we do not know in any of this are the projections. The British are seeing a lessening of the virus, with a mid April death rate plunge they think. This is much lower than the original models. The United States is doing well, as Americans are not dying in mass, and the numbers of dead are foreigners, but they are listed in the American deaths.

My original model published first was April 20 to 25th simply on virus infection rates.Inquiry pointed to first week June as the worst of it for Americans. There should be a bloom as inquiry stated in the Indian tribes in April, and a late surge for Mexicans dying in numbers in August.

Unless people are stupid as they tend to be, think about idiot vacations, the only problem the United States sees in this, is in April the Snowbirds from the South will venture north. That is doubtful in toxic New York, but all the same, there is going to be a viral surge by old people moving north. The Geezers should be told to stay south, as we saw what college turds and Mardi Gras hedonists did in spreading the virus, after this blog warned of Spring Break being a problem.

All of these selfish people will force the President to a National Management Program or Nazism. As this blog exclusively reported. the US farmers are all old geezers of 60 plus years old. They get sick and nothing will plant, they get stick and nothing will harvest. Soldiers will not suffice, it will be a reality that people like me who have agriculture backgrounds might have to run harvesting equipment in a national order to bring in the crops.

I believe the Chloroquine is real and is the answer. I do not believe in vampire blooding of people to treat this virus as this is a bioweapon and it does not produce antibodies it seems. When you read of antibody success, this is more like antibiotics using bacteria, as researchers are finding antibodies on blood cells which arrest Corona. These antibodies are not produce in reaction to Corona, but are rare spikes like bread mold kills harmful bacteria.

Just keep in mind this blogs reporting, in the United States and most of the world economies are going to have to go to the Hitler model to keep things going if this virus does not burn out or remedy by June. There is a 10 week window before 2 trillion dollars is burned up.
I should mention that American had stolen from them over 20 trillion dollars which is still sitting in bank accounts of the elite which should be seized, and that would keep America going for the world for 100 weeks or 2 years.

Those shares on Wall Street did not disappear, the rich made those trillions and in National Socialism that money would be seized.
The first target is going to be China and her gold and debt reserves as China was the source of this bioweapon release.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

