Friday, April 3, 2020

The Soros Swans

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reading a George Soros editorial in the New York Times, Soros is sounding the warning of how Facebook will help elect Donald Trump in 2020, because Trump is good for business.

Before you roll your eyes like I did, I want you to think about something, not from George Soros, but from this blog's perspective from experience.

“Facebook helped Trump to get elected and I am afraid that it will do the same in 2020.” I explained that there is a longstanding law — Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act — that protects social media platforms from legal liability for defamation and similar claims. Facebook can post deliberately misleading or false statements by candidates for public office and others, and take no responsibility for them.

In 2007, after a scandal in London put Rupert Murdoch on the blackmail list for Barack Obama to be installed into the White House, it was FOX in Chris Wallace and Shep Smith who led the cut John McCain and Sarah Palin off at the knees, and it was Fox and Friends who began defending Barack Hussein Obama to get him elected over Hillary Clinton.
The only thing that slowed Obama down was Rush Limbaugh telling listeners in cross over states to vote for Hillary Clinton, instead of a Republican as McCain was going to win anyway.

In 2007, after Fox & Friends promoted a quickly debunked report that then-Sen. Barack Obama had gone to school at an extremist Islamic madrassa as a child, a top Fox News executive issued a truly startling internal memo to the network’s newsroom. “For the record,” then-Vice President of News John Moody wrote, “seeing an item on a website does not mean it is right. Nor does it mean it is ready for air on FNC.”
Thirteen years later, Facebook has reportedly named Jennifer Williams, who was a Fox & Friends senior producer at the time that memo was sent, to head video strategy for the social media giant’s forthcoming Facebook News, NBC News reported Tuesday. Facebook News will serve its billions of users with a dedicated tab

As Facebook executives plan a shift in the way the nation consumes news that will almost certainly impact the 2020 presidential elections, they are staffing up with an 18-year veteran of the right-wing cable network that effectively serves as President Donald Trump’s personal mouthpiece.

From my experience in the Obama years, there was great political repression online against the Christian Right. I had numerous Sheryl Attkisson experiences on my computer and television. In 2016 something new began in my support for Donald Trump, in there were only three platforms operating for Trump, Gayway Pundit who Trump rewarded with a White House pass, Jeff Rense who seems to operate as an extension of the FBI in monitoring things on the fringe media as he featured an FBI mole as his Oregon Protester, even after Gordon Duff outed the mole, and this popular girl.

Something happened though in 2016 as Facebook put my account into limbo. Literally they are still checking the information I sent in. There was a do not touch order put out on me to silence me. Then Homeland appeared at the behest of the New York Office of the FBI to nicely intimidate me on the revelations of the deep state published here. Then interestingly a whispering campaign began from the "Trump Side" in platforms as Conservative Treehouse smearing this blog as much as the regime generated QANON was busy making a media print, of what George W. Bush's people did in ruining all of the Conservative Republicans so Jeb could get into the White House.
Someone was directly in the group Donald Trump was involved with, trying to end this blog. What used to be normal chatter from the mic heads, even began drying up, as no one was stealing content here any longer. The Mockingbird Mic Heads had gotten word to stop using media content to generate listeners based on things here.

Someone was deliberately attempting to create and control a narrative of Trump fiction, and it was this group who weeded out a number of #NeverTrumpers starting with Bill Kristol.

These past months a new attack frame has begun, and it involves porn out of Ukraine, where bots generate visitors to inflate numbers. If a blogger uses Google Ads, Google Ads suspends payments as this is not legitimate unique visitors. It is a way of starving off the few voices out there. The Lame Cherry does not use Google Ads as it takes too long to load, but I noticed this in 2016 in the #NeverTrumper sites began popping up porn ads and wrote of it here. That is a foreign based, DOMESTIC entity which deliberately hit ad payments coming from the NSA's Google platform.

Parscale said the Trump campaign used Facebook to reach clusters of rural voters, such as “15 people in the Florida Panhandle that I would never buy a TV commercial for”.
“I started making ads that showed the bridge crumbling,” he said. “I can find the 1,500 people in one town that care about infrastructure. Now, that might be a voter that normally votes Democrat.”

Barack Obama had Jewish contractors who rigged his media, along with trolls that dominated threads on news pages. For Donald Trump, and this all goes back to Brad Parscale and Jared Kushner, the group they were employing were deliberate in getting rid of Conservatives and Christians, exactly as Trump Trans removed all loyalists and Christians from the Trump cabinet. A purge  took place and only this blog noted it, and now George Soros is noting that since Donald Trump abandoned MAGA, left the invasion borders open under John Kelly at Homeland, that the NSA generated and funded Facebook, has suddenly produced a platform that will not produce Soros propaganda, but will produce the type of Trump Nazi (National Socialist) propaganda which is designed to create the farce that Donald Trump is going to be elected in 2020. This blog informed all of you that Donald Trump is the man for the deep state now, and it was decided and everything has been rigged, and that includes impeachment to split the democratic party for Donald Trump to be handed the election as Obama was.

From Arizona to South Dakota, Christian Conservative candidates were destroyed, as the vote was split by Trump followers joining the ticket, and who would emerge by the National Socialist candidates. In South Dakota, something really strange took place as Dusty Johnson was handed that election, appeared seated in the House with the top powers in the GOP. Freshmen do not get national exposure in the State of the Union, in first row seats, with top Republicans, unless they are part of the pariah state.

What all of this goes back to is the 1917 Russian Revolution. The Rothschilds of Europe backed the overthrow of Russia without war. The Schiffs of America, desired a violent revolution, and in the end the House of Schiff, got what they wanted.

George Soros is a Hungarian Ashkenaz Nazi. He is a front man for the Rothschild family, as Barack Hussein Obama was. What Soros is upset about is a Schiff oriented Ashekanz Jewry joined to National Socialism is in competition. This blog for understanding calls it the European Marxist Rothschild Mosaad versus the American Nazi Shin Bet of the old Rockefeller order.

There are branches of the old order in this, the Bush family was linked to the Harriman, Lehman money launderers, and they were more communist Obama allied. What has emerged in this are the National Socialists of the intelligence branches, deposing the Marxist order, which was at war in the 1950's in the Red Scare.
It all boils down to the Shin Bet group which is behind Donald John Trump, does not like the American Protestant Cowboy Christian presented here, as it has not sent the money my way, and the trolls it sent in to control me, still have their money, were protected from Robert Mueller, and the Lame Cherry is alone again in the wilderness of the brier patch, with the people with money reading this thinking they are safe in their portfolios, but their time is coming when they will be worse off than me.
Then they will figure out they should have had a friend here to intercede with God.

This is the reality of how all of this breaks down into the Black Swans.

I term this the Black Swans, not after the economic catastrophes, but of those lords and priests, who you are not aware of, but have bag men like George Soros ...

They really do not want that information out, as I had to look on Google to find the Black Swans, as DuckDuckGo would not even list it. The censoring of this blog is complete and you had better have been paying attention, copying it to flies or printing it up, as while Facebook is going to elect Donald Trump, even with Trump in control, I will never get my account back, and I will never be anything but suppressed.

I know this blog is right about this by God's Grace.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
