Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Corona City States

The anus of South Dakota is festering Coronavirus and it is called Sioux Falls


Argus Leader

You can not tell goddamn Mexicans to stay home though as they invaded United States after being told to stay home Governor!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sean Homo Hannity had on upcoming star, Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota in discussing her dealing with the Coronavirus outbreak in the United States.

I have had high praise of this governor, but Homo Hannity in choosing to whore this woman for his agenda of getting America open again, is a huge mistake, as South Dakotans, like the natives of Minnesota, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota and Wyoming are all different animals.

There is no more damning comparison than Sioux Falls and Rapid City, the two largest cities in that cow chip state.

Sioux Falls is liberal, multi cultural import, CIA driven media promoting faggery with foreign slave labor.

Rapid City is liberal, but tourism and Air Force base centered.

Review the facts of the comparing of Sioux Falls and her sister county of the metro and Rapid City and her sister county in the metro. It is different as night and day, as one is EASTERN and the other is WESTERN. You may as well compare New York to North Dakota as the people are that different.

Sioux Falls


Rapid City


I actually spoke with someone from there, and the exact phrase was about Sioux Falls, "They are giving us a bad name".

The people out there are taking this very personal.

What Sioux Falls is, is Obama propaganda, built on Mike Rounds Chinese connections and the incompetent Dennis Daugaard, embracing of all things Obama. Sioux Falls was a death trap waiting to spring in Kristi Noem's Open South Dakota and it sprang, and for all her praise, she deserves as much blame for the sewer hole Sioux Falls is, because she should have seen this coming. Sioux Falls is going to fester through most of the summer.

South Dakota could have opened up, not to tourism or foreigners, but for it's people if not for Sioux Falls. That biological disaster is full of Mexicans and other foreign pet trash. The numbers are rising by the hundreds daily, and will not burn out until the Mexicans are all infected, along with whatever else Muslim and Africa trash has been assembled there.
I will remind people that 1 infected Mexican caused this. There are almost 1000 infected foreigners in South Dakota, and I would bet that hundreds have already fled Sioux Falls for places like Minneapolis, Denver, San Antonio, Phoenix and wherever else this pandemic spreaders trash will hole up, and start this spread again.

This South Dakota strain is a particularly easily spread and lethal type. If it just kills the tans and black skins, so much the better, unless it gets into Minneapolis, where it will shoot to Chicago in that drug pipeline and then the game changes for Black Americans.
If this gets into the White population, which we do not have data as races are all hidden and skewed as Minnesota constantly does, then the United States is going to die from within and South Dakota is the kill zone for Ground Zero.

To place the model of South Dakota where the peoples there are predominantly Germanic, Scandinavian and Slavic, who are predominantly Protestant and Catholic, meaning they are God terrorized and are the psychology they will accept about any yoke and not revolt, is ridiculous, as the majority is self disciplined, in they will scare into behaving.
They are not the people of Michigan rising up and trying to lynch their despot. Kristi Noem knew she could trust her White race in South Dakota to behave as they are responsible. This though does not translate to Mexicans or to states like Kansas and Missouri where those types look for reasons to cheat on a curfew as they got it into their heads "this infringes on my rights".

The people of New York have been conditioned to love being brutalized by a thug like Governor Cuomo. They will follow orders as most liberal trash will, as long as it does not get in the way for their fucking and debauchery. The United States are 50 nations with different people in them. What worked in South Dakota is not going to work in most places just as what is not working in Michigan would work in New York, but not in most places either.

So for Homo Hannity and his open America up mantra, South Dakota is not a model, except for the Mexican death zone. Detroit is Blacks and Muslism and it is not going good for them in their filth, Open up the United States and it will outbreak, because of the liberals and the pet slaves they keep around to profit off of.

The  Corona City States are the problem. If you have the wogs in your cities, that is where the death zones will be erupting in hot spots. Form this point on in America, cities with foreigners in them should all be quarantined, and most of the hinterlands could be opened up, as long as Mexicans and Africans are not prowling around there.

And if Sean Homo wants America opened up, let there be a caveat if any person, goes out and catches the virus and brings it back to their community, they will be shot on sight, along with their household, their homes burned down, and their property divided as this is serious and it is endangering our police and rescue and our communities.

Sorry about all of this though in South Dakota is not a model, and Kristi Noem has failed that state by keeping it open with Chinese owned slaughterhouses bringing in Donald Trump foreign labor as that is what caused all of this.

Nuff Said

