Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Corona HAARP Cycle

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wanted to share this weather grab from the night of April 2nd, as I have never witnessed anything like this in fronts over the central United States smashing in on top of each other.

Maggie said something about her area being weather like she has never seen. I have a theory on this that HAARP is being utilized to wash that Coronavirus right out of your hair. Keep people wet and they stay home, use rain inoculated with what is in contrails and it kills the virus.

Result MDL EPA
Aluminum <0 .100="" td=""> 0.100 0.200
Barium 0.100 0.020 2.000
Calcium <1 td=""> 1 N/A
Magnesium <1 td=""> 1 N/A
PH Field 7.2
6.5 to 8.5
Titanium <0 .050="" td=""> 0.100 N/A

Consider it a sort of cleaning agent, and New York is getting one hell of a hose down from a mysterious front off the coast which appeared.

agtG  237Y