Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Thee Organized Effort to Kill you for the Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

These Corporate Coofers need to be called out and removed for the hazard they are to the United States, as they are interested in nothing but their portfolios and getting you killed to keep the stock market up.

Dairy Farmers Dump Thousands of Gallons of Milk Down the Drain as Economy Halts Due to Coronavirus - Big League Politics   bigleaguepolitics 

No this is a lie. The economy did not halt due to Coronavirus. Thee economy is functioning.

What is behind this dumping of milk is a generation of liberals going vegan and vegetarian, paid for by the globalists to drive small family farm dairies out of existence, for 10,000 cow abuse centers.

These leftists imported slave labor from India, China, Mexico and the Mideast and none of these groups drink milk, eat ice cream or cheese. American corporate dairy has been on the ropes in going bankrupt due to foreigners not eating milk and Cheerios for breakfast. Coronavirus did not cause the dumping of milk, underpaid Americans purchased toilet paper and flour instead of milk, in the last boomers who consumed milk.

The Lame Cherry is going to provide you a series of Coofer Quotes which caused this pandemic to manifest and are currently endangering the United States with absolute destruction.

Rush Limbaugh - Coronavirus is just the common cold. That statement so blinded old people, that they exposed themselves and did not buy supplies for this lock down.

Sean Homo Hannity - This only kills old people. This set off the spring break and madi gras disasters in people did not stay home.

Bill Cunningham - We're going to kill the economy to stop the virus. This fixation on the portfolio prices of these rich people has added a new hysteria to the pandemic, and is driving the anxiety of the poor to feel disposable and expendable.

Bill Mitchell - Buy the Dip is just one of his mantras, as he utters so many offensive things daily, that his main focus is to strong arm Coronavirus in propaganda and that will fix things, as this pandemic really does not exist. Mitchell sounds like a sound byte out of the committee to bring down America.

Lastly, is Obama Award Winner, George Noory. This ass yesterday, tied up valuable resources in the state of New York, attempting to find out how many people died of the flu this year in New York. New York needs every available person to survive, but Noory is so damned fixated on the flu is killing more people than the pandemic, he simply does not care who he killed yesterday by his questions.
He then went on air making a point of it that New York did not reply, as if New York was hiding the information which would make George Noory right, which of course does nothing for the thousands dead from flu or pandemic.

It was Noory's last mantra which is absolutely criminal, as he was stating, "We got to get this economy up and running, whether people have the virus or not, they have to go back to work"

Noory is advocating sending sick people to work. Exposing the entire nation to sickness, destroying the positive steps President Donald Trump and Governors like DeWine and Cuomo have engaged in, which have saved thousands of lives.d

Honestly Noory is the worst criminal in this, and should be fired with most of that Coast to Coast pied pipers and replaced with John B. Welles. Spreading a virus that we are still learning horrid details of as it eats the brain, animals can catch it and spread it, it destroys the heart muscles, it drowns people in their lungs, it destroys the testicles in fertility, it harms the neurological centers so people can not taste or smell, are just a few of the revelations of this Coronavirus Wuhan, and George Noory wants to make this a widespread after effect, where Americans will be crippled, not able to work and dropping dead for the next 10 years, but Noory will have his work force on the pandemic ship sewing the last thread in his Nazi camp.

I did not deal with Jonathan Karl nor the others on the left, who have been trying to infect Donald Trump and using this pandemic as a political  tool, as Nancy Pelosi sees Coronavirus a political cow to implement communism and Adam Schiff is busy bringing down what is left of the United States in more investigations.

There is an absolute difference between freedom of the press, religion, political assembly, and what is taking place in this criminal group. The word is RESPONSIBLE in this, in every person is responsible for their actions and responsible when their actions and mayhem get people killed, as that is murder.

George Noory's rights end where your right to live begins. When he is pushing a policy in using his influence to literally destroy the United States, that is a criminal act of terrorism.
Flu or the Chinese are not the worst threat in this Coronavirus, as there is something even worse than this virus, and it is this group of Coofers who are in Coronacaust Denial.

Killing people for money is MURDER, and that is what this group is fixated on, in driving people out of the safety of their homes to make them expose themselves to this pandemic. The Constitution protects these American's Rights to stay home if they want, they do not have to work, they do not have to do a thing as that is their right as the bums of San Francisco prove. Nowhere in the Constitution does it state that you have to die for someone's portfolio. Granted lots of you have suffered and died for corporate calling wars patriotic or high taxes stealing from you so Wall Street can fund their Nazi police state, but you do have the right now, and Coronavirus is the exclamation point that you do not have to go out, you do not have to be vaccinated, you do not have to do anything but obey the laws and suggestions of President Donald Trump and the Governors meant to keep you alive and the United States still a nation.

It was a disgusting, but honest slip of another of these Coofers in Buck Sexton, who whined in an informercial last night that he had lost allot of money in the stock market. Yes hiding behind a mic for years, taking advantage of people with your sway, and spouting a corporate line to herd the masses, and you get the big bucks like Limbaugh and Noory. The thing is most people do not have money in the stock market as they were honest, and did not have the opportunity to sign the big contracts, so Wall Street is nothing to them.
What the Lame Cherry says is, "Too bad you lost a fortune in Wall Street, because your poverty is more damned money now than most people reading this have in all of their assets."

Coronavirus has exposed all of these coofers for the frauds they are. You have nothing in common with this Dana Perino feed your corpse to fire up the corporate world of profits in a pandemic. This needs to be called out, time and again, and these pariahs need to be targeted by the Justice Department, as your lives are more important than any economy.
There does not have to be a choice in this. There can be your lives and the economy. That is what President Trump and the Governors are engaged in, while the coofers are engaged in for their portfolios to burning down the entire United States and setting off a revolution for the corporates to crack down on.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

