Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Time for a Corona Holiday

Rich people suck like the Chinese and must be made to pay for Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As  I type this, I am thinking about something Stephanie said in Coronavirus in, "If you don't like being in your home, why do you have one in the first place?"
It is like Sandy mentioned, "I have been preparing my entire life for this isolation and I have everything I want in my home to be content".

That is why it sounds insane and is insane when I hear these people behind microphones going nuts, in wanting to drive people out of the safety of their homes and into the workforce for the "economy". This expose' is going to in forensic psychology explain the psychosis of these people in media, especially those on right wing media, who are in a rage to endanger others.

It all became clear as I was listening to another off balanced rant from George Noory on Coast to Coast AM. He was literally wetting himself with delight over people protesting the "draconian" lockdown in Michigan and once again incorrectly predicted there will be more of this.

Michigan is a coofer case. They have an incompetent democrat in charge who has banned treatments, set the law on doctors, has mismanaged the pandemic in piles of people are dying in Detroit, and she banned garden seeds. No population is going to follow that and that is what the protest is about as she is killing people the way Noory wants to kill people.

It was later in this that Noory was going Noory, in stating he was locked down in St. Louis. OK so he has mansion in St. Louis, is rich, is working, and he is still going nuts as he can not stand being around himself. I find this funny as Los Angeles which is another hub is Corona pandemic too, so Noory will be locked down no matter where he is.

I can diagnose a psychopathy, and numbers of them I can empathize with to understand. Some like people who think that being in control behind a microphone is the greatest thing to ever experience, I have little understanding over. For me, being locked in a booth, all alone, with headset on, and having to talk into a mic, to idiots, is boring, but for those who are scared, being in control behind a mic is their entire validation.

That is what is amusing in the Limbaugh, Bill Mitchell and George Noory types in they act in control, but are out of control. They are terrified of this virus, and if they do not have you out there propping up their portfolios, which is their validation behind the mic, they become agitated in the extreme.
Everyone of these types is hiding. They want you to die for Coronavirus, but they are behind their mansion doors, alone with themselves and it is driving them mad. They can't go out or they will catch Coronavirus. They can't get you to go out to get sick, to make it herd immunity, so they are locked inside and more insane. They won't get a treatment as it might endanger them. All they can do 24 hours a day is rave about the closed economy, which is not closed at all, as the Stock Market plunges, and they can not run from themselves. Those key elements of all they are.......not Christians, not being a servant of the people, is slipping away from them.

It was interesting to listen to Noory quote one of his nuts. "George thank God you are on the air at night!!! I can't sleep anymore!!!!!".

Ok, so Noory's audience is someone who runs from themselves all day, in hiding in work. They have money, so they think themselves better than others and yet without work to lord over others, work has no meaning.
They can not read a book, because a book will not adore them and make others feel lower than them. They can not fix things as that is not the kind of work which will glorify them. They can not volunteer as Rand Paul did.......because they might catch that virus they are phobic of.

I have watched these types for years, in retiring, and going to play golf and that gets old, they drive their spouses nuts, and just become what they are, know it all trolls who everyone hates, and then they die.

That is what I never understood in this, as I always wanted to grow old. I always wanted to have money, because with money I could build a shed to work on projects and isolate from the world, which vibes me too much. In being old, I watched my Grandpa work every day in things he enjoyed. He helped me skin my first fox I caught. He loved raising chickens, butchering and gathering eggs. He was always out playing cards or baking cookies. My world is not going to change if I have money, except the stress will be gone and I can serve God better. Just like Coronavirus has not changed a thing. I am working every day. I am doing the same things I always do in checking on people by texts or email to see how they are, as people like knowing someone cares. The only thing that has changed for me is we are not doing errands in town as Dr. Birx said no travel for 2 weeks, and I have not missed it one bit.
My complaint is HAARP cold adn obnoxious people trying to herd others out to die so they can go out and treat people like less than human again.

Otherwise I am having a good time in this pandemic. While others were saying this pandemic was horse shit, I picked up a whopper ham which was Easter meal, as I have never done that before. Put it into the big pressure cooker for an hour and a half and it was perfect. The cats loved the broth. I thought about keeping it, but it has chems in it, and I worried about that, but we have food for weeks in that ham as I  was prepared.......prepared because like Stephanie I like being home and like Sandy, I have things I can play with. I love my pots and pans. I love just about everything I do, from baby calf being like a wild animal playing with me too rough to mopping floors with Spic and Span. It's all fun and better than sucking on a ventilator.
I have Faith in God, and if He chooses I die, then I die. I validate myself in Him, not money or being a celebrity. I was telling TL this morning that here am I the worst choice as a celebrity as I have no need for it, and yet the best choice for it, as I have no need for it.

This is supposed to be about the nuts who want to get you killed and not about me, but I suppose the comparing of outlooks is correct. Our economy here is not shut down. People are still working as people are working around working. My cousin works from home and for Easter she parked her car on the lawn by the patio of her sister's house, and that is the way they had the holy day. It is all memories and people will be talking about this goofy shit in the years to come if Jesus does not come back. It is a grande adventure in I have no problem being told I can't do things as I never get to do what I want anyway. It is just something to get through like a Russian winter or a Lutheran Church service.

I am though from this point on in being denied donations, going to advocate as I have from the start for China to be deprived of all her gold, US debt and warehouse goods to pay the world back for this pandemic.
In America, you rich people caused this from Bush family building up China, to Obama tribe building germ labs in Wuhan. From this point on, sister AOC has a partner in taking reparations from the 1% of 99% of their wealth as they do not donate, and taking 99% of a billionaire's wealth leaves them rich anyway and 25% of the 5%'s wealth, as they will be rich beyond anything they can spend any way.
This will get the economy going in direct payments to White and Black Protestants. That is where the sister and I will part on handing things out. She wants Mexicans to get rich, then go confiscate the don's portion in Mexico and hand it out the the Beaners.
I call all of this the Jubilee of Wealth sharing, as the Bible says to do this every 50 years and it is time to erase all debt, and take back the trillions which were looted from Americans working hard.

Americans deserve a Corona holiday and George Noory trying to the them all killed from his socialist mansion is the reason this new policy stance has come to be, as I have had it with liberals trying to coof on the President, and conservatives saying only old people died like Hannity did, that only people who were going to die died, as O'Reilly did, Limbaugh misleading people that this was the common cold and Noory telling everyone yet that the flu is worse.

That from Noory is disingenuous, as for the past 10 years the CDC has GUESSED how many people died, and at one point it was just 12,000 people they guessed had died, and yet Noory keeps fabricating a number of 70,000 dead.
See these media types lie to people all the time and have endangered all of you, because they have psychosis, and it is time like China, they be made to pay, and you get a Corona Holiday.

So as the Trump Nazism aligns America in a new order of protecting Americans, it is time to make the causes of Coronavirus pay in the Corona Tax. It will start a war with China, but as President Trump has Russia in our Oil Cartel now, China will get it from all sides and China deserves to be zoo specimen exhibit as the Japanese, Koreans and Vietnamese who China would destroy are more advanced and more attractive as peoples.

Well it is time for me to wait  4 hours to feed cattle, as I have no tractor and must wait in the cold for the neighbor to come as we self distance, but the rich have had the opportunity to donate and cheated me, so now here comes the Corona tax. It will be good for Trump Brand as he will have an exemption, and with everyone else "poor", the Trump Brand will be the money in the world.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
