Monday, June 15, 2020

Things more stupid than a Chinaman

I um Wang Poo! Smartest man in all world. I invent Coronavirus, kill family,
kill mother in law, kill whole world. You try that dumb Ameericun. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

No I did not say more senile than than a Chinaman.

No  not more Shylock.

No not more gerbils up their fag ass. 

OK, you got me there as that is close. 

OK, yeah, not even with him at two of quadroons.


Alright you win, add big ass Michelle and dim bulb George fondling her ass in public and you tip the scales in things more stupid than a Chinaman, taking Obama's money to build a bio weapon factory and getting caught.

Maybe that is four that is one George, one man hole in Michelle, one fag hole in Obama and Oprah, I don't even want to go where Steadman was afraid go.


Don't touch me with your thing.......Don't touch me with your thing....

Nuff Said
