Wednesday, July 1, 2020


 AOC is the sexiest CIA piece of ass ever!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well Jerome Corsi and his informant Boris have proven correct, in there is a COVID 20 out there, and much to Ann Coulter's chagrin it did not come out of a bat's ass. China has a pig bug biological weapon which has just been introduced to the media world.

OK makes a bit more sense in why we had visitors a few days ago, in the cat went ballistic again and has been wild eyed and put a pretty cat claw tattoo onto my arm. This bleater appears to have been inoculated again for the autumn fun.

Just remember that Corsi has been right on the next phases to remove Donald Trump and now a new pandemic virus is being billed as this current biological weapon is being spread deliberately in Republican states with the big electoral college.

As this is what you get rich non donating people in I can't work for free. The detailed account will be detailed in my mind.

Nuff Said

