Tuesday, July 7, 2020

I Read Prophecies

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I read prophecies like most, as they are interesting, but I also never trust anything that I have not received from God.

There is a pastor who posted a video with claims all he was shown before has come true, and that he was shown another dream with a fist smashing November, UN troops in the streets, insurrections, Chinese being ordered by Russians to pick people up, no Donald Trump in sight and DC burning as much as other areas, and the DNC will disappear or something Webster Griffin Tarpley.

Pastor’s prophetic vision sees UN troops on the streets of America THIS YEAR, with entire cities destroyed and an economic collapse that plunges the nation into CHAOS

When I read things like that I think of mentalists and Mockingbird programming. I will explain. Any one of you can be clairvoyant, by using common sense of reasoned deductions. For example, do you think the paid terrorists on the left in losing to Donald Trump are going to not burn down cities and claim election fraud in November or are they going to pussyhat stay home?
See you can predict that.

Jeff Rense who featured the above, has been pushing that Trump is DOA with fake news as that is what Rense is paid to promote. Having seen the President, it is bullshit in the narrative that the President is degrading.

So this is Jerome Corsi warnings from Boris, who is not a psychic, but the logical progression of coup plotters.

There was a crank named Dimitri Dudamon (SP) decades ago who had that Russia China thing going on, probably had UN troops, as Alex Jones got that from somewhere, and you read the same visions by this pastor, as they get programmed into a matrix slot and keep repeating things that never come true.

Do you realize what would happen in America if the UN was involved, Russian and Chinese troops were rounding up Americans? It would mean the US military has stood down, which is not likely, no matter if it is Obama political officers or Trump Patriots. The minute that foreigners started policing America, Americans no matter their race, would begin sniping at the foreigners and there are not enough drones or foreigners to endure the kind of sniping that Americans would start popping off on.

It is what I stated on logic. This vision is too overloaded with past unfulfilled events. The pollution of predictions like this are the hundreds of false prophets in the Bible chanting the same bogus stuff.

I will tell you something, a prediction, which is logic. No matter who wins in November, the United States will change forever. I have been weighing in how to put this in the Nazi warnings you have already been informed of, but the fact is if something from Joe Biden steals this election, it will be Obama community organized repression, the tearing down of American norms and a police state protecting this "re designation of America".
It will coalesce around the same ANTIFA zones of the summer, and the outliers like South Dakota which cracks down on the terrorists will be invaded and worn down, just like Standing Rock in North Dakota.
When Donald Trump wins, the DNC will split as Webster Griffin Tarpley stated it would as this is by desing. The GOP will become a 3rd rate party, because I have warned you repeatedly that all the shit you voted against, is going to come back from Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell types, in the Congress is going to pass National Socialism which will genocide the United States of Protestants.

What Juan Williams and the Mockingbird CIA is attempting now is to limit the Trump victory to not a landslide, so that the people will realize they are in power and demand MAGA without excuse.

What you will see are things you do not want being made into law. Nationalized health, regime control over Christian and Home schools due to funding, amnesty and a transfer of land ownership to corporations, and a corporate police state being funded with your tax money.
All of the signs are there in what is being promoted, and I promise you this, that Govenor Sununu can warn of Biden communism, but all that is, is to install Nazism into America, because in 12 more years, an Obama communist will be installed again, and begin handing power over to the globalist order as Americans will be politically outnumbered by the foreigners who will be deciding election fraud.

To make this visionary plain, the world powers can not have Russia, the UN and China in America, because they still need American firepower, else China will take over Asia south and Russia will take over Europe west. Duh!
Do you really think with the plum of Europe before Russia, the plum of Indochina, India, Korea and Japan for China, that they are going to walk into the hornets nest of pissed off armed Americans? China sent the Coronavirus Wuhan variant as they are not idiots as they need Americans dead, not live Americans with guns.

So you can get these swammie visions, but they do not match the reality of military logistics, one of the major realities is Russia and China do not have any way of moving millions, and it would take millions of troops from Eurasia to America, along with supplying them in a hostile environment.
So the visions start falling apart when reality sets in.
Could some idiot like Andrew Cuomo declare themselves sovereign and invite the UN or foreigners in, sure they could in turmoil. The problem is, half their populations are still armed and not going to go for that and it will be the Hessians hiding in barracks again as the Americans would be sniping at them.

There is enough bad shit which is going to happen, the Bible promises that, without dreamers without consequences of their dreams, state things and then sites trying to sell you dehydrated meat for survival promote as it is good for business.

Most of you are prepared, the virus was good training, but do not let your stockpiles deplete or get caught with having to go out. I still do not have the necessities which I think I need, but I can't afford some things which would keep me actively mobile like a handgun, but somehow 2 bats found their way behind the seat, as I play softball officer, as a fill in.
The brier patch is not a place of idiots, although not far from here, the Indians tried to hold a riot, six appeared ant that was it, as Tonto always has big ideas, but then it involves work, and it is just easier to go suck on meth.

I know what awaits, no matter what the elections. I know that I'm already planning for enough supplies that I will not have to go to town after September, until spring if need be. I refuse to deal with the oatmeal and asswipe debt purchasers who bought a wall of toilet paper on credit, along with piles of that shitty oatmeal to eat, and that is all they do is eat goddamn oatmeal and watch their big screen toilet paper.

Everything which is coming has already been planned out. Your responsibility in this early round of training is to discipline yourselves to be read for a 6 month period where you can go gopher. Forced change is coming, and the best way to handle this is to not be vulnerable, base your life on Jesus and the Bible for stability and let the storm pass over as you watch for what is coming.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

