As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is a reality that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz put off forming a government from September 2019 AD in the year of our Lord to January 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, due to knowing the Coronavirus was coming upon the world.
I came across something from early July, now that the Germans led by Chancellor Angela Merkel have gained control of the EU Presidency, in Coronavirus is being used a cover for something else which is out there that the Europeans are not making known again.
The idea is, Krankentransportzug, or a Bullet Train. The idea is like Governor Andrew Cuomo and Obama Holdovers in America, shipping infected plague carriers into non plague areas which France for inexplicable reasons engaged in, like Cuomo dumping plague carriers into geezer homes, as it spreads the virus.
What the Germans are talking about though, is joining their arch rival in France to build a Bullet Train network, again over the virus is the cover story, but the Germans included something which I highlighted which is puzzling.
events potentially entailing large numbers of seriously injured.
Something is going on in Germany. The Germans have been stating that the American German relationship can not be fixed, but that America has number one priority for Germany yet, as Germany moves onto a world without the United States.
The Germans are focused on Russian energy and acquiring it at all costs. What though is the reasoning behind the transporting large numbers of seriously injured people from different parts of Europe?
The global coronavirus pandemic, according to the German defence minister, laid bare shortcomings in the European bloc’s crisis response, underscoring the urgency of hammering out a plan to gear the EU to ward off similar pandemics or events potentially entailing large numbers of seriously injured.
A “hospital” bullet train” [Krankentransportzug] under the EU’s Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), which is part of the European Union's security and defence policy (CSDP), could be successfully used to carry out sweeping medical evacuation operations, suggested Kramp-Karrenbauer.
Germany and France are reportedly in talks on making such a project reality.
In taking this apart, the Germans are not talking about a Coronavirus plague. The movement of large numbers of people, would fit the Lame Cherry doctrine of, these are not seriously injured, but seriously armed troops.Germany and France are preparing for moving large numbers of troops across Europe, and that would mean war.
If it is not war, then Germany knows there is some catastrophe out there, a meteor strike, earthquake which again is not atomic warfare, which they are apparently looking to deal with hundreds of thousands of refugees to depopulate areas and move them into safe zones.
They are focusing on fast trains, as they know that flying will be unsafe or not available to transport the kinds of numbers of people which will be required.
Again, Sebastian Kurz was an enigma, and then the plague hit, and it made sense his delay in forming a government. This time with Angela Merkel, she is preparing for something, and this something is big enough that France is joining this crash program too.
This is something to be aware of. Kurz knew what was coming and Merkel knows something is coming.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said