Wednesday, July 15, 2020

More Deadly Than Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 The Lame Cherry has been the standard in breaking stories on Coronavirus and not, but I have been pondering the reality of how right God has made this blog as from the start of this, I have stated, that while there are genetic variants of this biological weapon, it comprised of an L strain being lethal, and spread through shit on things you touch, and the S strain which is the inoculate and was spread through snot or body fluids.

This blog stated that the S strain would surpass the L strain, and that is the case. The reality is as the President stated, 99% of the cases are non lethal or critical. I do believe that in the big electorate states, that the Obama Intifada Riots were cover for the deliberate infecting of a mass group of people, and that is what is behind the surge in California, Texas, Arizona and Florida.
I have not inquired, but I presumed it was bottled water or masks as the source of the outbreak.

While hospitals have filled up in IC wards, the surge in cases, reflects that the inoculation strain does make some people deathly ill, just as the dead baby serum in above 150 mcg's makes people deathly sick. The percentages though are still far below the original 15% critical to death rates of the initial spread of S strain.

You will notice that China is lobbying for Phase 3 testing on a mass scale. If China had contained and there is not an outbreak still raving that nation, then why would they be begging for inclusion? It certainly is not for profits as no one is going to get injected by anything out of China.

There is something interesting from Dr. Birx in she is predicting a surge in deaths from Coronavirus when deaths have been dropping. She quantified this though in spreading in the large metro areas.
That is code for Quadroons and Latoons. Both groups are susceptible, but it gives pause if the shit eating strain is being introduced in quantity to spike the death rate, which in turn moves this past summer to school opening up, which will again spread this virus in the S strain as is intended.


Trump’s Top COVID Adviser: Deaths Will Soon Start to Rise

Dr. Deborah Birx, the coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, said on Friday that she expected to soon see an increase in deaths among Americans infected with the virus—a statement placing her at odds with President Donald Trump, who has touted a falling death rate as a sign of success in his approach to the virus.
“In the United States we have an increase in the number of cases over the last particularly three weeks,” Birx said during a virtual COVID-19 conference. “We have not seen this result in increased mortality but that is expected as the disease continues to spread in some of our large metro areas.”

The S strain, is the inoculant  and it is meant to spread easier for the cure. It is curious in the Trump advisors pleaded with the President to wear a mask, and the propaganda of wearing masks is now in vogue, but the reality is, wearing masks slows the necessary spread for inoculation, meaning it keeps this virus around longer.
That is interesting in those in power, appear to be slowing the spread, to give time for these dead baby serums to come online for billion dollar vaccine profits.

It is puzzling in the President has taken Chloroquine and Zinc as a preventative, but the mask appears. The only logical conclusion in this is, that maybe this S strain which is airborne, is not affected by Chloroquine and Zinc, meaning this strain was engineered to keep spreading to save humanity. That is what was the push by the NIH to stop Chloroquine, because if it had been administered, the Wuhan flu would have stopped dead in its tracks and none of the political agenda would have proceeded. They needed the L strain to kill people to promote fear and needed the S strain to infect enough minorities to make them critical or dead, to keep the illusion going.

COVID-19 ‘airborne,’ more infectious

Jake J. Maderazo

The over 5,000 new and confirmed new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases in just three days is a cause of major concern, with Metro Manila accounting for 1,069 of the new cases. Dr. Elden Salvaña, a member of the Department of Health (DOH) technical working group, suggests that the virus has mutated and is now three times more infectious.
Health reform advocate Dr. Tony Leachon believes the virus is “airborne” after 238 coronavirus experts from 32 countries issued an open letter to the World Health Organization.
 Having experienced three strains of this virus, beginning in November 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, and two subsequent exposures, which my keepers keep me well by giving this pen occupant it's vaccines, I will review the case history as I have something to add.

I know someone was in our house, as we became infected with a "mild" form as did our cat. I know a follow up was initiated with a cut off which was administered, as honestly I was relapsing often enough until the weather hit the 80's.

Two weeks ago, someone was here again, when we were doing errands. I wondered what was coming now, but did not get sick.........until a few more days later when I had a mild something in my throat and days of spitting cooties out, in not feeling ill.
I know the inoculant strain is viable, as our new kittens which has contact with me, were sneezing for several days with mattering eyes. This virus is quite lasting as I'm not a spreader.

As news of a new strain of Jerome Corsi's COVID 20 is rumored appearing, I suspect that my keepers dosed us with a preparation for that. That is why I believe something else is out there. The inoculant for it thought is a walk in the park, compared to the hammer which I experienced as the lasting effects were what hit hardest. I believe it was the spider spread or tentacles  which were killing so many cells and iron overload which was keeping oxygen levels low, which was the problem, and until I manufactured enough red blood cells to replace the dead ones, it was a long recovery.

Chinese health official now admits 'unknown pneumonia more deadly than coronavirus' that is 'sweeping' Kazakhstan is actually 'likely to be Covid-19'

  • More than 32,000 cases and 451 deaths reported between June 29 and July 5
  • Chinese embassy said there were 1,772 deaths in first half of the year

I suspect this variant more deadly that Coronavirus shuts Chicom invasion routes to the Mideast, but is most likely what I was tuned up with last week. I doubt it is a new biological weapon, but the Mirror with a more rapid incubation, something like it goes Phase 1 and skips Phase 2, and jumps to Phase 3 in the pneumonia, instead of the "recovery time", which was only of use to spread the virus by shit contamination. This variant is probably what is on the horizon and is airborne.
Death rates are extremely low, even if infection rates are high.

If I lived in coof metro, I would wear a mask. As it is now, I see nitwits with masks on, laying their arms on shopping carts, fiddling with their masks after touching shit handles on doors, and other realities that prove that masks are worthless without gloves. I wear gloves as that is where the contamination point is I believe.
I'm fortunate in I have guinea pigs, called grocery store employees. I know numbers of them, and I talk to them, and if they are not getting sick, I know the spread is not happening here. A gal I was confirmed with, wears a mask, but is screwing around with her hair and touching her she is not sick, so I know even with cases here, I'm safe. I still believe it is snot contact here and that means gloves.

I would that I did not have to throw away my latex surgical gloves, but our lives are not worth it. I do though love my dairy farmer black rubber gloves that I do mail with and dunk groceries with. They are a joy in how tough they are.

That is the running tally though, the inoculant is spreading as intended. They are trying to slow the spread to keep things hot for an injection. There is another variant of this coming to move this to another level and it is touted as more deadly than Coronavirus, but it appears is just airborne and incubates faster. Not really different than seasonal pneumonia, but again that is not a biological weapon.

I will be most careful past next winter, and or, until the meat factories all join Tyson Foods in going completely automated.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

