Friday, July 10, 2020

Strings are Attached

Are the Democrats a Political Party or a CIA-Backed Fifth Column?

In the eyes of many Americans, the Dems support looks like a tacit endorsement of the arson, looting and violence that has taken place under the banner of “racial justice”.

It amazes the Lame Cherry as more and more, the words Webster Griffin Tarpley are noticed by those observing the current Obama Intifada against America. None of this is some grassroots uprising. This is the nameless and faceless 1% who rock the cradle which rules the world.

It all seemed farfetched, but I told you to believe, and now each of us is being sucked in and blinded by the ruse all of this is. America is being divided down and imaginary tri part division which in the end is going to elect Donald Trump and these mysterious Gay Olde Party frauds in Congress, backed by the Bunghole John Roberts courts, who are in the process of overthrowing America.

When the Lame Cherry speaks about overthrowing America, forget America as the Republic is dead. It will never come back. America has been turned into mob rule for purpose, and what America is being meat ground into, is a Nazi state, meaning National Socialist which will cement in every Obama policy, and these shills of Obama communist organized gangs, will be elected as Obama was, by another crooked election.

Those on  the right are being herded into voting for Donald Trump and those on the left are being herded into voting for Donald Trump. I will tell you that the election results are already sealed to the last vote in November. It has all been decided.

There is an Axis, the CIA, the Conglomerates, but the DNC is not part of this. The DNC is just the fowl for the table to be parted like the Red Sea. Democrats are going to elect Donald Trump, just as they did Abraham Lincoln and his Union Party in 1864 AD in the year of our Lord.

The FBI is playing a more active roll in this in it is their paid stooges like in Charlottesville who are running this Obama Intifada. They are covering for the regime terrorists, just as they did at Hutatree, OKC and Malheur.
Do you really think those Quadroons marching into Stone Mountain, and threatening the KKK in their own house, had any more ambition than the rest of that race? The FBI was supposedly clueless in mass armed Blacks with assault weapons appeared?  You were looking at 60,000 dollar a year paid regime employees and that is your money signing their vouchers.

Our fear is that what we’re seeing is an emerging Axis–the CIA, the DNC, and the elite media– all using their respective powers to terminate the Constitutional Republic and establish permanent, authoritarian one-party rule

This was all designed to be nuts. It was designed to attack the psyche of thee American. The result will be to elect the President. Just remember in 1968 in Chicago, elected Richard Nixon, after splitting the DNC just as it was split for Lincoln and Nixon was a socialist.

America is going to get another socialist.

The 1% are above the law. You are a bleater in the pen and are going wherever they put the fence up as we are all fenced in. There is not any need for a Christian of the Christ to be upset by this political devolution to Nimrod as you have  surety in Christ.  If you read the Bible, you know how this ends, so quit clinging to American illusions and be Christian and stop getting pulled in and worked up as you might as well get your nutsack tied in knots over it raining tomorrow. Nothing you can do about it and if you were fool enough to be Lee Harvey Oswald, you will get the same treatment.

It is all coming into focus just as Webster Griffin Tarpley was informed by those who were informed as they are on the leash and piss on the legs of those little democrats like John Cusack who really thinks they care what that twat tweets.

This election is not going to be about issues. It is going to be about how big of sap you are, performing on the string. Take some pride in yourself though, and pretend that you figured this all out, and not that I told you what a marionette we are all in this stage theater.
Just take comfort in, this was all planned out to the last dotted I and crossed T.

That is if you are not a Christian.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
