As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Talbott, a dedicated Clinton loyalist, penned a frenzied column stating with certainty, “We already know that the Kremlin helped put Trump into the White House and played him for a sucker… Trump has been colluding with a hostile Russia throughout his presidency.”
We now know with 100% certainty who US Attorney John Durham and his investigators are bringing before the Grand Jury for indictment over the coup against Donald Trump and the 2016 AD in the year of our Lord elections which ruined so many innocent people's lives, and it is the brother in laws who are Clinton cronies and sycophants in Strobe Talbot and Cody Shearer.

Stroke Talbot
The plot to destroy Republican candidate Donald Trump is honestly bizarre, because it is a gemstone of several facets, a loose sort of fellow White House travelers in the Bush family, the Clinton family and the Obama tribe.
The three groups combined to take out Donald Trump, and each provided a working project. All of this began early with Jeb Bush being trounced by Donald Trump, and Daddy Bush doing the cut throat slash against Donald Trump in public. The Bush's enlisted Marco Rubio of Florida, with financial backing by nation rapist Paul Singer, who contracted to dig up dirt in Donald Trump.
#NeverTrumper, William Kristol and his son in law at Sinnger's media outlet ran the media source "to dig up the dirt".
Sweaty Marco was promised the Vice Presidential slot for being the conduit for the operation to take out Ted Cruz. As the Bush family fortunes imploded and Rubio faded fast, the research operation, was picked up by the Clinton campaign, and this is where the real crimes began, as this went via Clinton law firm, Perkins Cole, directly into the Brookings Institute where Clinton operative, Strobe Talbot, enlisted a Ukrainian named Igor Danchenko to provide information on Donald Trump.

Christopher Steele
The problem is Danchenko lived in the United States, was working for the Brookings Insitute, and had absolutely no sources, except drunken buddies. Danchenko told the FBI in interviews that he told Talbot that everything he was giving was drunken gossip and fabrication, but Talbot ran with the information, which was being fed to Theresa May's MI6 operative Christopher Steele.
Danchenko was desperate for money, so took the job, and then as in all FBI assets, began manufacturing bullshit to keep the money coming in.

Igor Danchenko
Keeping this all in the family and making this a framing of two witnesses, Talbot enlisted his brother in law, another Clinton flunky named Cody Shearer. If you remember the slip by CIA Director John Brennan, who provided the Obama tribe the law enforcement frame up via James Comey and Peter Strzok to frame Donald Trump, it was Brennan who revealed a second dossier. The source for the second dossier was Cody Shearer, as Shearer wrote the fake document.
It was John McCain who would bring the Steele document to the FBI for the British, but Comey would relate that he already had the dossier, that dossier was the Shearer fabrication, and with two sources framing Donald Trump, John Brennan and Susan Rice had the cover to legally lynch Donald Trump and his associates.

Cody Shearer
This was a textbook CIA disinformation campaign right out of MI6. The entire purpose of this insurance policy was to not arrest Donald Trump on Pissgate, but to Adam Schiff frame him via the FBI for "lying to federal agents". Schiff would continue on with Impeachment, after the lying to the FBI did not manifest from the President, as Donald Trump refused to sit for an interview where he would be framed.
This is the Clinton and Bush facet of this criminal attack on the Presidency of the United States. It was assisted by the willing John the hero McCain, and all of it provided a bizarre fake document, as a platform to overthrow an election of the President of the United States.
It was another Clinton Bush operative in Stephan Halper who disappeared, who was paid by the DIA, who was employed to frame Trump associates as the second plank in this to give this frame up traction. Halper crossed the threshold though of where Talbot was outside the government, Halper was being employed by the government of Obama to frame Americans. This is what brings this directly to the Obama inner circles in the White House, and the high crimes against the Constitution.
All of this is treason. It is two Hillary Clinton associates who took a George HW Bush intelligent dirt file and amplified it, knowing it would be willingly be forwarded by British, Australian, Italian and Jewish operatives, directly into the CIA and FBI.
Peter Strzok of the FBI knew this was bogus as did James Comey, but they had accomplished like frame ups before, as with Scooter Libby in Plamegate, and when the top floor of the FBI wants people destroyed, people are destroyed.
There is absolutely not any doubt that Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, were running this operation of high treason. Bill Clinton meeting Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Arizona, reveals that the Clintons were coordinated with Obama law enforcement in high treason. This was a three family operation, all joined at the political hip in the Bush's, Clinton's and Obama's, and in a just world they would all be indicted and hung for high treason.
This includes Joe Biden as he was the conduit who brought up framing General Michael Flynn and current Vice President Mike Pence was all too eager for the Bush family to get General Flynn fired, for lying to the Vice President.
Those are the facts and there is absolutely not any doubt of the high treason involved and completed.
Nuff Said