As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Captain Kirk shared this, as I was in complete ignorance of these facts.
Hi LC,I thank the Captain, and will admit that I have ingested large quantities of Quercitin in the past. My ingestion was coupled with Bromelain, basically a pineapple derivative, which is a natural remedy for allergies and inflammation. It does indeed work, but in that era I was running full throttle with an after burner and in order to survive, I produced epic amounts of adrenaline, lived in fatigue and exhaustion, as the body will burn copiously if allowed. In other words, my body was volcanic, in I could tell when I was living overloaded with poisons that it would go quiet. The problem was in these adrenaline binges that the piper eventually came to call, and I would collapse in a most deathly manner. It was how I existed, several times a year in almost dying. Worst was my asshole sister would use poison preservative food on Thanksgiving and this would overload me. Couple that with lack of sun, and movement due to winter coming on, and I hated the aftermath of Thanksgiving as I was quite ill until Christmas.
thought this might be of interest (if you didn't know it already). Studies suggest Quercitin acts as a zinc ionophore similar to HCQ and gets the zinc inside the cell. Nice way to get around the prescription problem with HCQ.May Jesus bless you both!Cpt Kirk
This bio plague is geared to inflame. Is because it is the body's response to making you into something you are not and what the 1% desire you to be. More on that on August 22nd. Richard and Stephanie know as that part was shared.
God bless you Captain for sharing.
Quercetin has long been evaluated for its potential protective effects against cancers, heart disease, and cells that release histamines.
The agent promotes SIRT2, which then inhibits the NLRP3 inflammasome assembly involved with COVID-19 infection, said Samuel F. Yanuck, DC, of the Program on Integrative Medicine at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Medicine, who co-authored a review of emerging research on the subject. It also plays a role in facilitating zinc transportation across lipid membranes, Yanuck said