Thursday, July 9, 2020

Thee Enhancer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was listening to an interview with Tom Dongo, in his recording of events on the Sedona ranch in Arizona, which was the site of paranormal manifestations. He stated that he through there was a a portal over the ranch.
It was interesting in the manifestations which appear to began as orbs of light, and then "UFO's" and other things, that the occupant of the ranch's husband, would not even come out and look at things, after one of his experiences.

This is not about the men, but about the women and something Tom Dongo observed, and stated in passing. He stated that when Linda, moved to Montana, the paranormal activity stopped. He stated that she and him approached this with an openness to learn what it all was.

When I heard the portal stopped being active, it reminded me of the Delphi oracle stating that it was no longer active when the Christians appeared, as a greater force in Christ, than the demonic.

This Linda, appears to be a manifestation of a unique persona, like a spiritual lightning rod. The portal was there, but it operated when she was there, willing  things through that portal, which were not of authority to come through.
For the portal to become active again, indicates that another enhancer is there or the portal has been opened, and things are coming through.

When America was founded, there was a great deal of shamanism. Numbers of odd things were appearing in the werewolf, the sasquatch, thunderbird, kachina, and things which absolutely one had to see to believe. As Protestants built their Churches, the manifestations ceased, until something began opening the doors again in UFO's or demonic manifestations appeared, in the abuse of humans and animals in government sanctions.

All of this began linked to the Nazi cult in what they had opened up in Europe, and it appears that when the Nazi heirarchy was transplanted to America, the UFO's began to manifest regular as much as demon possession.

There is no longer a Christian Protestant majority, the Church has been corrupted, and what is manifesting worse with each passing year are these enhancers, and wanna bes who are willing all sorts of evil through to this dimension.
They are wearing a groove in these portals and the doors are open and entry is manifesting more frequently and far less friendly as is always the case with invasion of the soul snatchers.

As Christ is the key, the door Spiritually, it appears there are natural doors and keys in humans who open portals. They used to call them witch doctors or warlocks, because things manifested around them. Now it is just people, and things are manifesting as the demonic is drawn to the hosts and is pouring into this world.

It should be possible to shut these portals all down and seal them. For the money, I would hunt them up and do what needs to be done. I though am too exhausted and poor, as everyone wants to ride the pony for free, well save for a few.

It is simply noted that there are enhancers that the portals operate openly with.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

