As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The sinister group which produced Coronavirus are the same group which installed Birther Hussein Obama. Those facts are certain as there was a mad dash for bat coronavirus experiments and it all came from the Obama regime, and China was built a lab in Wuhan China by Obama and Harvard.
I will not repeat the history of all of this, as the present is presenting us with an interesting back engineering project as Bill Gates, Mr. Polio Killer Spreader, has been fixated on mRNA viruses or the structures to rewrite cells in the human body. None of these former projects accomplished anything, but with the biological weapon of Coronavirus, President Trump was spurred on to a Manhattan Project for an mRNA vaccine to cure the world of this virus.
The problem in all of this is the reality that Chloroquine with zinc, Ivomec with Doxycycline and the tuberculosis vaccine are all effective treatments, but the push is for this 1237 replicant spike protein which makes Coronavirus a stealth weapon which kills humans.
Maniac Gates pushing for 7 billion mandatory experimental
RNA injections that re-program human cells to produce
coronavirus spike proteins
Big Pharma has over 170 covid-19 vaccines in development, but Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci are pushing an experimental RNA technology to the front of the line. This technology, delivered via injection, is a type of genetic engineering called germ line editing. Bill Gates has been pushing this technology for over a decade and has the financial resources in place to carry out these genetic alterations on populations around the world. The technology inserts coronavirus genetic code into each person, forever changing genetics and cellular processes in their body. The coronavirus RNA reprograms human cells to produce spike proteins, forcing the immune system to fight properties of a virus that are being artificially manufactured by the body’s own cells. The effects of this technology are trans-generational; the cellular manipulation can be passed down to future generations. Leading ethicists and scientists called for an end to this kind of trans-generational human genome editing in a January 2020 Geneva Statement.
January 2020 was also the time when Dr. Fauci and the NIH moved forward with licensure of this controversial technology to be used in Moderna’s experimental RNA coronavirus vaccine. (The NIH owns half of Moderna’s vaccine and stands to profit.) Even though Moderna has never brought a product to market, their latest controversial technology has been irresponsibly pushed through clinical trials, bypassing animal studies that are critically important to understand toxicity, histopathology, and disease processes. (Previous attempts to manufacture a coronavirus vaccine for SARS resulted in animal fatalities after injection and upon subsequent infection.)
I always return to the Star Trek line, "Mr, Spock if you can't tell me what it is, then tell me what it is not".
There is a reason Bill Gates wants 7 billion vaccines. He wants this 1237 perpetual replicant changing the human DNA forever in a star child project. The 1237 is a spike protein, it is the base of this fixation ni the mRNA. The people with Bill Gates want this spike protein replicating in human bodies and passed down to offspring in the DNA. This is not about saving lives as Chloroquine does that, but inquiry points to in the matrix that what is taking place here is what this blog has stated previously in the mad dash for 5 G which is for robotics is the linked platform with the 1237.
The human DNA vibrates like a radio antennae. Hit it with 5 G and people get sick. Add the 1237 and maybe something else happens. Now that the Lame Cherry is exposing this again in matter anti matter exclusives, understand this that it will appear in the future and I will not receive credit for it again.
The matrix is indicating that something else which plugs into the 1237 is what this is all about. It is that structure, like a this side of eternity structure which is what the 5 G will resonate. This is about immortals, but immortals of different classes.
The Prophet Zephaniah
Chapter 14
…11People will live there, and never again will there be an utter destruction. So Jerusalem will dwell securely. 12And this will be the plague with which the LORD strikes all the peoples who have warred against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths. 13On that day a great panic from the LORD will come upon them, so that each will seize the hand of another, and the hand of one will rise against the other.…
I'm not stating this this 1237 is what the Prophet is speaking about, but here am I pointing out, that Bill Gates wants everyone's DNA changed by an injection. The push for 5 G is connected in this hysteria over Coronavirus.
If you hit a human body with the wrong radio frequency, you will kill it. Royal Raymond Rife used frequencies to kill cancers and other sicknesses. The science is there.
Use a biological weapon to inject every human with a perpetuating platform, which would be the missing link, for a DNA extension, which would not die from 5 G, but perhaps like Jesus change that DNA to resurrection.
I have no idea if this idiot Bill Gates has been informed of anything, except some ruse he would respond to. The Lame Cherry is certain though that adding these scenarios which are established together produces a scientific projection that people will be amplified to a higher frequency of 5 G status. As those behind this are not killing off people with this, that concludes they want the mass body alive and functioning at this level for the purposes which are behind these billions of dollars and this great deception.
Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said