As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The question which requires answering is, "Why is it being allowed to happen?"
Since the 1970's, white, male, Christians have been blamed for all of the evils of the world. As of 2020, a pre planned strike was initiated, based upon the building blocks of the Barack Obama and Eric Holder criminalizing of the original group. In case you missed this, what was in 1970 not a crime, but was found at fault, is now criminal.
Criminals can be denied rights. That is what is taking place, while the left is focused, those on the right are focused on the diversions of wearing masks or not being able to attend Church.
The plea is to get back to law and order. Watch out for what you are asking for, as the laws will make you a criminal and the order will be one enforced by a replacement for the police, in a corporate police force for hire, mercenaries who will detain and haul people away, for a profit and no one will be allowed the right to a hearing, as Gary Hart wrote a policy paper years before 9 11, and George W. Bush signed it, in the Patriot Act.
What you think you are voting for in 2020, is not what you are going to be shocked by in 2021, exactly like the liberal con men on the Supreme Court in Roberts, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, who keep voting liberal in rotation, so you think they are conservative in those 5 to 4 votes overthrowing the Constitution.
This is all by design. It was plotted out decades ago and the end result of this is the 1% legally engaging in any criminal, deviant activity they desire, all out in the open as the words Equal Justice will disappear for Equity Justice.
The difference between the market value of a property and the claims held against it
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said