Help me I'm callin' and I don't know what to say
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is with the most profound sorrow, that the Lame Cherry announces exclusively that Michelle Robinson Obama, the most glamorous and cover girl First Lady of the United States, has started the long road of dementia, as evidenced by this rambling, incoherent and Joe Bidenesque statement to the press.
“I’ve gone through those emotional highs and lows. I think everybody feels. You just don’t feel yourself. Sometimes there have been a week or so where I had to surrender to that and not be so hard on myself,”
I honestly in forensic psychology have no idea what this Harvard graduate is talking about. The woman is tormented as many shemales are, but she apparently is not feeling herself surrendering to not feeling herself, and in not feeling herself, no being so hard on herself.
It is gibberish and makes no sense, which of course means this Harvard graduate is suffering from the opening stages of senility.
Michelle Robinson Obama continued on, as she apparently was quoting George Noory's Coast to Coast AM, in having out of body experiences, but Mrs. Obama then admits that she is out of her mind. Yes the former First Lady has gone public that she is insane, in what must be a desperate attempt for help.
Yes Michelle Robinson Obama is crazy, continues on that being out of her mind, her spirit is unfilled and worse yet, she has some low grade depression. It is obvious that this Harvard graduate is incoherent as she is terming depression, like a fever in being low grade. Depression is a mental illness, in either you have it or you do not. Depression is like Coronavirus in either you have it or you do not.
She has apparently quarantined herself, no doubt in she does not want to spread senility as Joe Biden has to her. She of course is confused in one does not catch senility like a cold, but the former First Lady, focuses like many deranged liberals that Donald Trump being President is the reason they have large butts and are horrendously ugly.
“It’s unusual. It’s a direct result of being out of body, out of mind. These are not spiritually fulfilling times. I know that I’m dealing with some form of low-grade depression. Not just because of the quarantine, but because of the racial strife and this administration,”
Frankly the Lame Cherry does not see any racial strife. CNN and democrats assisted Blacks to go out and riot, and now they are sick and dying from Coronavirus. Blacks got to burn down their cities, and Whites along with other races are pleased that the Black is dying of the plague. Everyone is getting something they want in this, so the reality is that liberals like the Obama's sending Blacks out to die, has produced a great deal of racial harmony, in there was something in this for everyone.
That is, except for the ailing Michelle Robinson Obama. How she has fallen, just like Joe Biden, who sought to be President, and in the end all he has to look forward to is drooling in a chair, while Michelle Robinson Obama will probably think Roots was her life story and regale wash mops with her time down on the plantation.
Let us all hope that Michelle Obama is soon institutionalized so that she can receive the necessary medical care she requires. It may be that a cure will be found or in a less stressful environment she can delay the onset of senility for a few more years, before that time comes when all she wants to do is eat fried chicken and wattermelon, as she is strummin' on the old banjo.
Such a sorrow, in the two leading democrats, both struck down with being crazy and senile, within months of each other.
Nuff Said