As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Recently I received a refresher course in forensic psychology, as the powers which contend over this blog, added something in a post to send a message to me, but it instead triggered people. I will not be more precise, but Richard and Stephanie alerted me to what was taking place and I was able to share the visitation with them, and is their nature, they as Christians assisted me to notice things which I would not in my schedule of being busy, have taken the time to ponder.
If that does not make sense, it is ok, as what follows will make sense.
Years ago in Obama era, I had someone who just went fixated on the term Afroid, which is one I invented, so it can not be racist or hateful as I'm not racist or hateful, but that term just grated on this person.
I noted that I could use the term "skirt" for women, or "cracker" for whites, and no reaction came, but not using the thought police African American, and instead the term Afroid, for the big hair liberals who hate themselves and America was the worst term, worse than fag or queer.
This blog began using terms when Obama thought police, said you could not say things. I was moved to start posting things in satire and reality to say things that were branding people different charges like racists or homophobes, because it was all part of this intimidation tactic. The Constitution says you have the right to free speech. You can't lie about people, slander people, but if you want to call someone a honkey or someone a nigger, that is your legal right.
What the Lame Cherry has been utlized for though is the reality of, the blog is a mirror. For racists, this blog exposes them as racists like the individuals above. When you are a caring couple like Richard and Stephanie, then the Christian is what is noticed in this blog. The Viking sees the poetic. Captain Kirk, likes the Christian direction and the normal life stories away from the upheaval. Sandy likes the friendship. Debbie likes the togetherness of family. Maggie likes the better life for all in thee American Dream. I could go on, but each of you have contacted me and are friends, you reveal the goodness of your true nature as that is what you see here, is the goodness in yourselves.
I have revealed nothing which has not been posted here in the conversations here about the LC family. Some do not say anything and just support us with their kindness, in the right hand not knowing what the left does. It is though the goodness of people.
Contrary to that, are those who see the worst. They see the worst, because that is the emptiness without Christ in them, and the worst of what they are. For them the fixation is their human experience which we all have. All of us suffer, all of us hurt, all of us have been made fools of. All of us have been cheated, lied to, misued and abused. Those in the Light, who do not blame others or the unfairness of life, 'overcome with Christ' those emotions which are the festering cauldron of what manifests in the hate filled left, which enjoy others suffering and their destruction.
The Lame Cherry is the best blog. That is the fact. That also infuriates those who try to have a voice, but no one will listen to them and their nutty ideas. I call it the Playboy Syndrome as women think if they were just a model they would be happy. News is most of those models are miserable and have horrid people in and out of their lives.
So some turn to intellect to make their mark, and still people will not listen to them, as they are all desperately seeking validation. "People won't listen to me so F U world!!!"
They never factor in that no one listens to them, because they are selfish, do not care about others, no more than they care about themselves.
I have told people that it is the Bullwinkel and Rockey reality. The best teachers and snake oil salesmen are the ones who sell themselves. Everyone has a cartoon crayon, but the ones who can relate to people so they enjoy themselves, instead of droning on for 3 hours in a university lecture hall on the dynamics of physics influenced by geometic design, is what makes the person popular. I'm a popular girl not on subject matter, but I approach the work here in serving God first and I naturally have an interest in others.
I do not mean to focus on Richard and Stephanie, but when they they correspond, they do so like other do who care. Richard tells me about his work in computer codex and Stephanie in her work on the nuance of linguistics. I'm thrilled over that stuff in learning from the experts as I can learn more in a paragraph of their technical knowledge than in a university course. That is not to say that Sandy herding bulls with her car or the Viking having walks in the park or Captian Kirk shooting snakes, is not just as interesting to me. Everyone has so much in their lives and if you just listen, it is all that final jeopardy knowledge in existential experience which is the real million dollar knowledge.
The fact is my revealing that good people see good things here, is going to make numbers of them uncomfortable in the reality of the compliment of what God is working in them, as they are far too often finding their faults. The real tear though is in those who are going to realize in all the hate they see here, that what they are seeing is the hate inside of them, and that is going to be a reality which is going to have them gnawing inside themselves worse as they invest 24 hours a day denying all the darkness they are.
I tend to follow the Biblical in leopards not changing their spots and not pay attention to the self loathing who just want the world to love them. That is the satanic deception as the real mathematical equasion is for Jesus Who already loves you, for you to mould yourself into His Law to honor that Gift of Love, because the world is not going to love anyone. It only rewards those that increase the self destruction of hate.
The world has proven that having anything and everything the world has in the stuff dreams are made of, does not fill the void in people that Christ does. That is why they are so hate filled, because things do not make them feel better or solve things. Nothing solves who they are.
The life lesson is, I was born in a manger. I had the government kill all the babies in my home town to try and murder me. I didn't have a pillow, but foxes have at least a hole in the ground for a home, and for all the good I did, the government murdered me along with the religion in power.........and none of that change Christ.
I had someone who by satan destroyed me, after other had destroyed me. They went after the Spirit in me, twice. In that lowest of times which I have never gotten over, the Holy Ghost gave me voice in one simple pledge, "I will not let the evil in this world change the good in me".
The good people who I mentioned above and others have all had shitty things happen to them for years. It was not a matter of 30 minutes on television and the problem was solved. They chose by God to not become Cain. They chose to accept that even though life sucks, they would obey the Law of Christ, no matter how much crap became worse for them, and in that they grew character of Light.
In a physical world, you are born alone, live alone and die alone, as there is nothing in that physical which can touch what is inside you. The God of Light and the adversary of darkness though penetrates that inner you, and you decide if you are going to grow in Light or become an imploding black hole of chaos. Those are the rules and you are made responsible in what you choose.
What do you see in the picture below?

You just had a way mark for this day in your life.
Are you angry because she is smiling and you are miserable?
Does she make you feel better inside, because she is pretty?
Do you think she is a race traitor in looking White when she is a Chinawoman?
Is she just a half breed mongoloid who does not belong?
Was your first though about nailing her?
Or did you wonder where her purse came from?
No judgments here as there are a hundred other things people saw in this photo.
Frankly I was perplexed in how she is stove pipe in those cut offs in figure. Probably why Chinawomen wear them Moa suits as they have no figures, and yet their men and women all gravitate to the American woman in presentation as that is what is attractive to the majority. Even 2 billion Asians will not validate the Asian body type amongst themselves.
I do have to go to work beyond this blog as the day is half spent and I have a long road ahead before the rains of the day.
I just know if I had the resources, I would be on a horse today, going nowhere to my delight and not dealing with the world. It is odd in scrubbing the wicked uncle's shit off the floor is still more alluring than the shitty people in this world.
It is all about choices and how far the Light will go to remain luminescent in a dark anus world of people.
Nuff Said