As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The President, Donald Trump, issued a startling warning, which confirms what the Lame Cherry stated with the Coronaviurs Wuhan, that there are major powerful figures trying to infect the President and assassinate him by germ.
What the President focused on is the very people that Bill Gates has been joined at the vaccine with, who are now in process to put the President into the ranks of Kennedy, Lincoln and Reagan who all bucked the status quo.
Who this group is, you can name the SOCIOCONGLOMERATES, the Obama state which has been part of this Bush league for over a generation. Interestingly President Eisenhower warned Americans of the Military Industrial complex, but it was Eisenhower who signed off on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. There were two other attempts on President Kennedy, one in Chicago and the other in Florida, before Dallas completed the contract.
“So I have a lot of enemies out there. This may be the last time you’ll see me for a while. A lot of very, very rich enemies, but they are not happy with what I’m doing,” said Trump.
“But I figure we have one chance to do it, and no other President is going to do what I do. No other President would do a favored nations, a rebate, a buy from other nations at much less cost. Nobody. And there are a lot of unhappy people, and they’re very rich people, and they’re very unhappy,” he added.
In terms of who Trump was identifying as his “enemies,” the president made reference to wealthy anonymous “middlemen” who skim profits from pharmaceutical sales.
“They are so wealthy. They are so wealthy,” said Trump. “Nobody has any idea who the hell they are or what they do. They make more money than the drug companies. You know, in all fairness, at least the drug companies have to produce a product, and it has to be good product.”
If you care to listen to the archives, featured Tex Marrs and David John Oates in Reverse Speech. you will listen to a confirmation of everything which Tex Marrs uncovered in investigative journalism over the Kennedy assassination.
You will hear names like Prescott Bush, hear that Eisenhower is the man they went to, to sign off on the assassination, confirmations from Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover and sitting President, Lyndon Baynes Johnson.
All were dirtied up, so in the end, a patsy named Lee Harvey Oswald would be blamed for all of this, so the Jewish state could get their atomic bomb fuel, which is what Kennedy stood in the way of.
Lincoln was standing in the way of Rothschild debt ownership of America, and shipping the slaves to Panama to finish the French canal there.
Reagan, was ending the lucrative status quo of the welfare state spending of the many for the profit of the few, by ending the Cold War.
This President has been plotted against and resisted. There is not any need to name the names, as you see the conduits in media, politics and industry condemning this President. The Hollywood "actors" and "entertainment" Mockingbirds are rewarded with the salaries to post disruptive things in social media.
It is a brilliant strategy by the President to note his enemies, and many of them are concerned about what US Attorney John Durham is going to indict in the first round, as these traitors worked for Obama who was implementing the chem traders agenda to ration death to Americans.
They have not been able to stop Donald Trump in repeated coups, smears, investigations, impeachment, and several attempts to assassinate him politically and physically with the biological weapon. Coronavirus Wuhan. This group is certain that Joe Biden is not going to win and their last opportunity would be the President exposed at political events, as Joe Biden hides in the basement of his mansion.
Obama's Intifada is burning down America, terrorizing Americans and threatening the elected President of these United States. This is thee entire structure of those above the law and who the police state is protecting.
May God protect the President for enemies foreign, domestic, and inside the White House.
Nuff Said