Zephaniah the Prophet
Chapter 1
When I destroy all mankind on the face of the earth," declares the Lord,
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Do you think the 500,000 dead from Coronavirus Wuhan, thought last year, that a biological weapon would eat their hearts out and have them drown in their own lungs, or were they arrogant like you in thinking God is blind to you sins and you will get away with everything, because you have money and guns?
On this July 1st, the Holy Ghost has led me again for study and revelation to the Prophet Zephaniah as a warning that the Day of the Lord is come.
When one reads a Prophecy, one must understand that things just do not happen like you open an oven door and a cake is there. In order for the period of time to take place, numbers of things must build to it. Aborticide, sodomy, a fake messiah named Obama, corrupt judges, debt enslaved people, and all that adds up to telling God to go to hell by each and every one of you, because you think you can handle sin, or you do not need to follow the rules, as rules are for those Protestants, and they can waste their lives, while you go have a good fuck and impoverish people you cheat, as when your end comes, it of course will be God asking your forgiveness, because God did not meet your standards.
Zephaniah the Prophet
Chapter 1
14 The great day of the Lord is near- near and coming quickly. The cry on the day of the Lord is bitter; the Mighty Warrior shouts his battle cry. 15 That day will be a day of wrath- a day of distress and anguish, a day of trouble and ruin, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness- 16 a day of trumpet and battle cry against the fortified cities and against the corner towers. 17 "I will bring such distress on all people that they will grope about like those who are blind, because they have sinned against the Lord. Their blood will be poured out like dust and their entrails like dung. 18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them on the day of the Lord's wrath." In the fire of his jealousy the whole earth will be consumed, for he will make a sudden end of all who live on the earth.
What you are reading in the above, is what you are dealing with in Coronavirus Wuhan as one more domino which fell. Debt, hunger, foreigners replacing you, all is a reality of this is what makes nations weaker, makes them desperate, and this is what moves leaders to make all out world war, and the people go along, with the weapons of mass destruction.
Populations need direction when stars fall to earth obliterating the order, and what better order is to march out the mobs and have them engage in murderous war on each other.
God is responding to the evil which people are, and the fact is all of this is what people have put into this world, and by natural multiplying, all of this evil will manifest in greater and greater ways, as God has been pushed out, His protection is gone, so evil is unleashed like a spreading plague and the God Who has been wronged, will make an absolute reckoning.
This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said