Scheiße Hosen
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter
The Germans are in contest. Well it is the American Israelite Drumpfs and the Assyrian Slavic Merkels. See Angela Merkel is East German Russian or Adolf Hitler's semen child, and no one really knows what went on in Mutterleib.
What kind of world will it be without the United States in Europe, as the nanny trooper, allowing all those socialists to luxuriate in American blood and sweat? Some say the US must stay in Germany as the arbitrator of non conflict, between Germany and Russia.
Others say that Germany off the leash as American bleeds and sweats is a Germany of little use.
Still others in Germany say, they have no need of the United States, as Russia in commerce.
US Forces in Berlin Are Not an 'Auxiliary Force' and Must Stay ∞ military
President Trump: Germany ‘delinquent’ on defense spending ∞ oann
Donald Trump pulls thousands of troops out of Germany in huge snub to MerkelDONALD Trump is pulling some United States out of Germany after a row between the US President and German leader A…Daily Express
The consequences though of Germany without America, and an American not bleeding and sweating for German luxury, is the enigma of Russian chess, in Russia, the gambit is to help Germany in their liberty as Germany has not the population, and only the money, to deal with Russia, but Germany has not the money without the raw resources and trade.
Russia has a degrading population, but sees eastern European Slavics, as their breeding salvation, to absorb that race of Germans.
It would fit US policy to draw Russia into Europe, where Russia would not expend her nuclear might, but the might of her conventional worth, and become bankrupt. It is logical to wait the death of Russia and China, but then America is dying of genocide too, so the logical progression is with a two foe war, to draw out Russia by land and China by sea.
The stream is surging beyond what the leaders being led are thinking they are leading.
Nuff Said