Sunday, September 6, 2020

A Fate Worse Than Hell or Death

Catch coronavirus Hillary.....catch that Goddamn virus........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After seeing Bill Clinton being abused for 9 months in plague lockdown with his shrieking shrew of a Hillary, I believe that President Trump should send in an FBI counter Hillary force to rescue the old geezer, as Bill Clinton looks like he just wants to die.

Bill Clinton has raped some of the most beautiful women in the world, and had sex with some of the most disgusting fat women on the planet, but in the end, he has been placed into prison with Hillary Hamrod Clinton, and you can see it has zapped the will to live out of Bill Clinton.

You just can hear Bill thinking..............

I know I have raped women and am going to hell, but please God let me die.

God if you won't let me die, just let me choke on a prune.

Hell can not be this bad.....

Now you know why God did not punish Bill Clinton for all the people he has harmed. God knew a fate worse than death and hell awaited Bill Clinton, the lesbian shrew, Hillary Clinton.

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