Tuesday, September 15, 2020

CDC Proves Lame Cherry Right Again: Eating Excrement Catches Coronavirus

It looks like Coronavirus to me

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a ludicrous story posted online, the CDC has confirmed that the majority of infections from the plague Coronavirus came from eating in public facilities.
The ludicrous part is the push for wearing masks, as if that is what the cause was in not wearing a face mask while eating.

If you caught COVID-19, you likely ate at a restaurant, CDC report finds

If not wearing a mask caused Coronavirus Wuhan, then states like South Dakota would have had a pandemic from the Sturgis Biker Rally, but that did not take place, because the biker were Caucasian and out in the sunshine. What causes the spread predominantly is dirty people with dirty body fluids on their dirty hands, which people ingest by eating.

Coronavirus is a live shit virus, much like it's spliced in parent, HIV, as HIV lives in the anus of faggots.

It does not have to be filthy Chinese, Mexicans or Blacks, with shitty hands busing tables. It is dirty ass people, touching doors, touching tables and touching shitters they are shitting in and returning to their tables. Couple that with all these geniuses with the pacifier cell phones, they can not resist touching, and the shit stain of Coronavirus spreads to incubate just as quick as a dirty homo dick shoved up your arse and ejaculating penis fluids into the anus.

It is not the food, or fast food and take out would have caused major infections. It is the dirty shit people turding over the contact points.

Most of these Darwin candidates have succumbed to the natural order.  Only a person with a mental problem would rush out to dine, simply because they were told they could not do it. They are children being told to not eat the cookies and then puking them all up in bed at night. This is what killed Senator Bob Glanzer of South Dakota, in the shit stains in Huron South Dakota from a Korean, and the people there eating the shit, instead of washing their hands as people have nervous habits of always touching their faces.
It is the reason queers got it so much as they always have genital and anus stains on their hands and lips.

Just behave for a few more months and then you can go back to eating shit like you always have. If you don't live like a pig and fuck like a baboon, you will have lessened your infection rate by 99%, as there is always the 1% outlier, as who would figure some hot minority would have to shove a cuke or a banana up themselves in sexual orgy in the grocery and return it to the shelf, eh.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
