Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Why are ANTIFA fires only burning on the US side of the Canadian Border

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I hate to bring this up as a journalist, now that the FBI has invested so much social media time, defending ANTIFA and BLM terrorists for not setting fires in Oregon, but sort of setting fires elsewhere.

I hate to bring this up with the legacy of Gregory Bretzing on the line, in the Bundy followers were flushed and murdered from the Malheur Reservation by the FBI during a peaceful protest, and the FBI has protected the violent protests of the BLM and ANTIFA.

The Puzzling Legacy of Special Agent Gregory Bretzing

I just hate to bring up observations like the reality that for some reason, the fires in the United States stop at the Canadian border, in even the New York Time has noted that British Columbia is not on fire, and it has not been on fire for some time, but right at the border, the fires are raging as if this was planned.


New York Time

I hate to bring this up, because who knew fires could think. Fires hate Americans Whiteness, but love Canadian Whiteness. I hate to bring this up, but you know I may be like Newton in he discovered gravity and the Lame Cherry discovered thinking fire.
I hate to bring this up, because, the FBI has gone on record assuring us of the facts, but as a journalist who is really poor, I could really use that Nobel Prize for science in a million dollars.

I just hate to bring this up, because it seems odd that the fires are only burning America and the fires are not burning on the Canadian side of the border.

Yes but as the FBI has assured us, the terrorists starting fire are not in Oregon............or apparently Canada.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said. 
