Monday, September 28, 2020

Gardening in the Pink

For effective gardening I wear pink pants as it makes plants grow.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I loathe primates with shit for brains, because other turds for thought always think, "Wow I will do it this way, because it fits my lazy ass excrement for thinking life".

Online you can find delightful posts from grubbers in Montana who actually are gifted in the things they come up with to have things when they are poor.

  I mean how wonderful to get an abandoned piece of junk, sitting in the nothingness of Montana and making it work as it keeps falling apart.

Then you come across shit for brains posts like this couple who have concluded that you do not need to work the soil, as it grows weeds and loosening it, compacts the soil. (The key in this poop thought is that rototillers overwork the soil........overwork as in someone is tilling the soil to powder by having nothing to do but till the garden 5000 times a summer.) Yes an event which is thee exception and not the rule, but the weak human mind will read they don't have to work the soil.

 Buried in this stupid article are some key things which are lost on turdy minds. Things like, "When we plant in spring we just use a post hole digger" and of course their garden has spaced bushes in it.

Ok, for starters. that works for vines like tomatoes, but you can't use a post hole digger for row crops like carrots or sweet corn.

Next we come to the revelation that weeds grow in exposed roto tilled soil which is worked (BECAUSE IT IS A PREPARED SEED BED AND SEEDS ARE DESIGNED BY GOD TO SPROUT IN SOILS LIKE THIS TO HOLD IT FROM EROSION.) while soil that has a foot of mulch on does not grow many weeds.
Well DUH brainstorm as who would have thought that burying a seed so deep that it won't sprout would keep it from sprouting. See it is this kind of shit which is just bullshit in a real garden. The further horseshit in this is there next not stressed ignorance of RAISED ROWS.

OK, if you live where summers are 90 to 100 degrees, like Texas, North Dakota, do you know what happens with raised beds, even when mulched? They turn into dead beds, unless you are flooding the areas daily, because in that kind of dry heat, soil just gives up water. In replacing the water, with watering, the plants get nutrient  stressed and the fruits are tasteless.

See you get away with raised beds in cooler humid summers, where raised beds help warm the roots. It is why the Indians planted things in hills, to warm the roots so the plants would grow. That works in New England, but is bullshit in the rest of the world.

So lets go to Montana, as that whiz mind lived in Montana. Let's garden like the shit for brains couple. Let's dig our post holes, let's mulch with hay, and let's see what happens.

First happening is, you have gumbo soil, that is clay with a sticky calf or dog shit to your shoes when it is wet consistency, and when it is dry, it is like concrete. So you go post hole that and leave the rest of the soil not tilled, and you know what happens come July? You have a post hole surrounded by concrete gumbo, because everything starts drying out.
But you have that hay mulch. Yeah that hay mulch blew the fuck away in May when your dumb ass wasted all that time putting that shit down. Oh wow, you mean mulch doesn't work where you have a calm day of 30 mph winds and a windy say is 70 mph winds that come like a blast furnace.

So there you sit with your post hole concrete and all of your hay blew 20 miles away to the neighbor's sheep farm, which fed them for the day.

Shit for brains gardening is really farty smelling once you start examining the cesspool of the lack of thought involved in formulating those thoughts. It is flat world and never has existential experience with the real world as the world ends with the range of their stupid ass thoughts.

In my part of the world, I have to dig trenches, mulch and water non stop, because it is so hot and dry most of the time with a convection oven wind. Depending on wind direction, it will be 100 degrees one day and 70 degrees the next.
I'm fascinated by gardening as I compare my garden to my neighbors. I'm always behind Butch and Gene, and Gene is always behind Butch. They are brothers, born that way, but Butch has the prettiest garden in his potato rows are even straight on the diagonal.

This year TL and I got busy at the end of April and got our potatoes and onions in. about 12 days behind Butch and about 10 days ahead of Gene. Butches plants came up and were robust. Gene's plants are spindly things. Ours rivaled Butches, but were behind in growing.
It got really hot for some spells and even more dry. I watered like heavens opened for Noah's flood as our pioneer garden is in the rough stage yet of loosening up and adding compost manure to the sand and clay.
As of July 10th, our garden through watering, passed Butch's. He is getting a late flowering, while our plants are beginning to yellow in they are done producing potatoes. The onions are larger and going to the extra growing spurt, while Butch's are just getting hotter in taste as they sit in drying soil.
Gene's is not worth mentioning as he has lots of sprouted weeds, is rototilling things clean, but he planted too late, even if it was early, on this dry cold, then hot cold year.
(In contrast, I had a potato which did not come up, so I planted another a month later. That potato has caught up and is flowering like Butch's and it did this because I watered heavily and it was warm at night.)
I get away with watering this much, because I have sand and clay, but too much drainage. I have watered in clay sloughs here with cracks to big and deep I can hear Chinamen through them, but the crops will produce as clay holds water even when cracking. Try this in Ohio and you would end up with yellow rotting plants.

You can't dig the hell out of soil in Arizona as the soil will dry out in being sand. The Indians use wide spacing, a deep till in the planting spot and they move on. No weeds as it is too dry to sprout weeds.
Oh you mean if you have wet soil, acidic, which is tilled, and median temperate is 70 to 80 degrees all summer on the surface that you will have weeds sprouting?  You damn betcha you will. It has nothing to do with a rototiller or mulching as the fault or the success. It has to do with PH levels.

Well this is enough of a lesson in all this shit for thought. People should be ashamed for posting such crappy ideas, but ignorance in bliss and the internet makes idiots stars. It is why threads online never answer questions as people just have to post how witless they are and never answer a question, because they have no answers.

Sometimes it's a pink shirt, but always remember the cleavage makes plants grow.
