Sunday, September 27, 2020

A Note to Brad Parscale


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


This is a personal note to Brad Parscale as his arrogance and ego has him home toting guns saying he is going to cap himself, and now he has been committed to the hospital on suicide watch.


When Mr. Parscale gets released, from his horrid world that he has had his entire world shaken to the point of suicide.....I would invite him to mine so he would know what shit world really is.

 Brad Parscale can threaten himself with guns......hey dude I can't afford pistols to protect us. Think about that in what real people do not have and you do have and are misusing.


Think Mr. Parscale that you don't know jack or shit about me, but I'm the poor orphan girl who God chose to write the Trump Time Line to put Donald Trump into office....and you with the son in law took all the credit for it, and didn't leave me jack or shit for all the things I was put through, including SDNY sending Homeland out here to interview me to shut me up.

Mr. Parscale you have a wife hotter than you should have. You got a mansion. You got things and you found that is not enough, because your ego was ballooned into thinking you were more than you are. You got money because the NSA funneled money to your operations. Your "Trump Miracle" was a DIA cover for what was really going on, by the people in control. You were a pawn and you believed that you actually were important. So you pealed your banana like a chimp in the zoo, thinking how bright you were, and never considered the owners on the plantation growing the bananas were in charge.

So Brad Parscale, leave your ego behind. You never were jack or shit, just like none of us are. Go find a Bible and start reading the Gospel of John. Start talking to Jesus and humbling yourself in placing your center in Someone Who will fix you.

The offer holds though in you get my real life of shit hole, and I get yours in a trade, so you learn to appreciate what the NSA gave you.  Things don't make the man. The only Person that makes the man is the Jesus Who made you.

You have always been an idiot. You believed your bot rhythms elected Donald Trump. It was all cover and you had no more effect on the election than the Russians. So face the fact that you are a bleater like the rest of us. You were given money as a screen, while most of us were not. So you are a rich bleater, who needs to be told to either grow a beard or get a shave as this ain't Sons of Anarchy. You are an idiot who grooms like an idiot. Make the change by changing into normal and normal all begins with reading the Word of God.


Nuff Said



