Thursday, September 3, 2020

Germans will Choose

The Mutterland of Vater Trump


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The 2020 Presidential elections in the United States are not about America. They are about the world order. The world order is not set in the United States, but in the Assyrian Germans, who are once again on the march for order.

Germans are arising to throw off Angela Merkel and her German Genocide. As the Obama BLM and Soros ANTIFA rage in the United States, driving America to the National Socialist order to battle the Obama Marxist order........yes you do not see my children, the German Reich of Nazism has arisen in the United States to battle the Soviet rise of Marxism in the United States, and the battle takes place not at Stalingrad, but in Washington City by design.

Do you not witness the prose of this, and the poetic soul, that the deciders of this are the Assyrian Germans. They have rejected their Mad Frau Cow, Angela Merkel, are rioting on Parliament, and they will either choose Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria or President Donald Trump of the United States as der Fuehrer.

The choice the Germans make will be if America fights first or America fights last. This will make sense for those who survive, but the bear will be buried in the Rhine and Mr. Putin will be buried in the Volga.

Wunder reden und Donner scheißen

That is what my Grandma used to say.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
