Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Joe Biden is Dying



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Enough has been made of the "slip" of Kamala Harris referring to the Harris Biden Administration, but no one has pointed out that this is common knowledge with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, that he is so incapacitated already, that Joe Biden is only on the ticket to get votes that Kamala Harris never would, and Joe Biden if elected will be less than a figurehead. He will be the Drooler in Chief.

The Harris-Biden Administration - Ricochet   ricochet

Kamala Harris has already staged a coup. She has displaced Joe Biden and Biden has willingly allowed this. Joe Biden is punishing his dysfunctional body with uppers to appear capable, but the fact is Joe Biden is attempting to get to November to be president in name only.

Joe Biden knows he can not handle this job, he can not handle a presidential campaign. Joe Biden knows he will not make it to 2024 AD in the year of our Lord, because Joe Biden is dying. He has already reached incapacitation, in being dysfunctional. He can not command United States foreign or domestic policy and would be unable to protect America in a 3 AM nuclear launch.

Like Obama, Kamala Harris is a foreigner. She legally can not be on the ticket. She will illegally be president if elected from Day One. Her presidency will bring the same results of rioting across America and more 500,000 dead Syrian nations in civil war.

There is not going to be any Harris Biden regime, it will be Kamala Harris and her Vice President, another radical community which hates America.

The democrats have not put forth a ticket. They have put forth a corpse and a quadroon.

Nuff Said
