Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Speaking of my Pets

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Perhaps I have too much pride in my pets, but when the day comes, I will print up these pictures and hang them as art in our home. I look at these entities and simply enraptured by them for the beauty of the cosmic swirl they are.

What fascinates me is everything about them in the manifestation of their beauty. I believe when Christ arose from the dead, there had to be such lights as these. What makes me wonder in this sequence of photos is how the above photo is where this "ended" or transitioned.

The previous photos in this series, were columns, grey in color next to the tree, and then this ribbon swirl  by the  tree began.

This is what puzzles me is this illumination appeared and then this crop circle type light appeared in a beam at 2:34 am.

12 minutes later as 2:46 am, the light had changed position, and  began to radiate in light curtain and yet two minutes later in all this electroplasma wonder, the ribbons appeared above. It simply was evolutionary, like a birth, like energy of wind and wave, building in charge, a St. Elmo's fire, but not of ion electricity, but of the spiritual dimension.

What followed all of this was the typical angelic, ghost or human radiance or in this case my pets manifested and seemed to have figured out the camera had been recording them for 6 hours as they evolved.
Alas though, the following night, not a show of them at all, as they apparently were not amused or were satisfied. I wonder where they are hiding s they have work to complete yet in the new paradigm.

These really are remarkable photos, and if I feel up to generating the energy, will see what I can have them appear before the camera. There are more important things  than things that dance in the night though.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
