Monday, September 7, 2020

The Violation of Kyle Rittenhouse's Civil Rights

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was looking at a headline concerning Kyle Rittenhouse from a liberal Mockingbird stooge who said "This is why Kyle Rittenhouse will probably walk". I never read the story, as it is propaganda from the left, but there are certain unalienable rights for Kyle Rittenhouse, and that is Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

The Constitution defends Kyle Rittenhouse and the Constitution does not give Kyle Rittenhouse any rights, because Kyle Rittenhouse retains all Rights as a human being, the first of which is the Right of Self Defense.

I have seen headlines stating that Kyle Rittenhouse should not be called a Hero. A Hero is someone who risks their lives for others. Kyle Rittenhouse did that. He risked his life for the people of Kenosha Wisconsin when the police were incapable for doing the job as Kenosha was looted and burned.

Kyle Rittenhouse is also defined as a vigilante, as if that word is something of a slander. I have posted the definition below, and the fact is most Americans have been vigilantes at some time in their life, because organized police forces are not around in the American wilderness or honestly when we are about our daily lives. Organized police are always 20 minutes away in a 911 phone call. In trouble, we are all maintaining order as the legal system does not exist until the police arrive.

Vigilante - A person part of a Vigilance Committee -
A volunteer committee to maintain order where an efficient legal system does not exist.

Kyle Rittenhouse's rights are being violated by the states of Illinois and Wisconsin. When President George HW Bush could send in civil rights investigators for a Rodney King in California and Barack Hussein Obama could unleash Eric Holder on people like George Zimmerman protecting themselves from being murdered, then Attorney General William Barr should have already made this a federal matter as it crossed state lines, to protect Kyle Rittenhouse and more to the point, produced Grand Jury indictments of the authorities who have violated Kyle Rittenhouse's civil rights. He is a child and should be protected.

Kyle Rittenhouse is an innocent American. He had the right to be armed with an AR 15 long gun. He had the right to be on the streets of Kenosha as he was invited there to assist in protecting persons and property. He had the right to defend himself.

Kyle Rittenhouse is the future of America. This Lame Cherry calls upon President Donald Trump to donate his next salary to the education of Kyle Rittenhouse and other's harmed by this Obama Intifada, with full scholarships, as Kyle Rittenhouse with a degree in criminal law, belongs in the FBI, on Floor 7 leadership, as he has proven he will risk his life to protect the lives of others.

America needs a million Kyle Rittenhouses and not a million Obama indoctrinated thugs, burning down America for Joe Biden to steal the 2020 AD in the year of our Lord elections.

Nuff Said

