Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Ballot Coup Against Donald Trump


Ivanka has calculated it will require 900 million feet of hemp rope
to secure this election from voter fraud....
(Hanging 30 million liberals with 30 feet of rope per conspirator.)
India has agreed to supply this rope at 3 cents per foot delivered. 
We will sell this later on Ebay as 2020 Patriotic Souvenirs at 10 dollars
a foot, thereby making almost a 9 billion dollar profit off of executing traitors.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 I was perusing the CIA's New York Times, and noticing how their role is to make sure the elections are not accepted by thee American People, I noticed a number of Mockingbird articles that only the Times could come up with.

After Trump’s refusal to commit to accepting the election results, his chief of staff denigrates the F.B.I. director.


This one was a gem, as some tardo from Indochina is quoted, slamming the United States, as if anything of consequence ever came out of Indochina which is noted for opium and raping little children.


Other nations are stunned by America’s trouble with the virus, and Trump’s refusal to commit to a peaceful transfer of power.


I will to return to the original in Mark Meadows, Trumps COS, belittling again Director Christopher Wray of the FBI who has still not arrested the murderers of LaVoy Finnicum, but has noted that there is not any election the Oregon FBI assured us that ANTIFA was not setting terror fires across the West.

 In the following story, it was discovered that most of the ballots which were thrown out were for Donald Trump..........yeah is not that interesting in ballots thrown out were for Donald Trump.

Barr briefed Trump on a mail-in ballot inquiry, prompting fears of Justice Dept. politicization.


OK the Lame Cherry is always available to help out everyone. I helped out Birther Obama, helped out Hamrod Clinton.......I just have in my nature to help out everyone. So when I see Mockingbird headlines like this one, I'm moved to help out.


Concerns grow at the Pentagon that Trump will pull the military into the election.


OK,  let us review. The FBI fibs allot. The Pentagon protects it's Treasury Department Conglomerate money feed. The problems in this are that the election is about to be stolen and President Trump is being forced by the CIA to accept a Ballot Coup.

Here though is the Lame Cherry solution.

OK, the legal explanation for subverting the Constitution is treason, insurrection......things like that. Failure to obey the Commander in Chief is mutiny, insurrection.....things like that. All of these things are hanging offenses according to civil and military law.

OK here is the solution.

President Donald Trump signs Executive Order 0 (zero) Option. This order states that whenever election fraud is discovered, fraud ballots, thrown out ballots, foreigners or criminals voting, Mike Bloomberg paying crook fines so they vote, that everyone involved is to be immediately arrested. Does not matter if it is a Governor, a County Chairman, a Mail Carrier, a Nigger name Otis Kamannajuwana. They are guilty of high crimes, and the local Republicans will all be Federalized into the Kyle Rittenhouse Brigades, whereby they visit a local rope store, get some rope, tie a knot and start hanging criminals from the light poles on the streets.

Anyone who tries to thwart this enforcement of the law with a judicial stay or some lawyer filing things, is on 0 Option judged a conspirator and they are hung too.

Same with these toadies at the Pentagon who fail to follow the President's orders in keeping the peace. The Rittenhouse Brigades, arrest them and hang them. Anyone trying to interfere, and they get hung too. Doesn't matter if it is media or the FIB finding some reason to draw their guns like at LaVoy Finnicum, the rope is the dope and the cure.

President Trump places this executive order on the books, then can accept the the election outcome, as all the bogus ballot cheats will be dead, rotting on the lamp posts and all of these Pentagon types will make room for real American Generals.

This will all be legal. It will enrich local Republicans, as all those hung, will have their property seized and divided up. I figure in some localities like Chicago, that Republicans will own 99% of the city  and restore it to greatness.

The Ballot Coup against Donald Trump is against the trusted election. It must be stopped and how insurrection, treachery and traitoritism is ended historically is by legal execution of the conspirators to the last heir.

If you don't want to get hung, then stop pissing around in the 2020 elections.

Always helping out.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Nuff Said
