Friday, September 11, 2020

The Games

But without professional sports I may go insane and vote for Joe Biden

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the Obama Intifada with George Soros being unleashed on America, the reality of the deliberate break of American sports with the public, and adhering itself to the Afroid Thug, is a directed process, in order to inflame the public mob.

I don't even watch sports anymore at this point   prageru

The circus in Rome was designed in the games, to relieve the public of violent emotion. Feeding Christians to lions was standard fare in the declining years of Rome.
Sports like fluoride in the water and cigarettes were designed to sedate thee American public at large. This is though is coming to a conclusion, and the logical projection is to cook the American right wing frog until it jumps to being triggered.
The attempt to disqualify Donald Trump from the 2020 victory which is building is a key part of this to set the Intifada against the American. Arming under Obama has been replenished with billions in new ammo and hundreds of thousands of new firearms. Under President Trump the numbers of firearms have not abated, but the natural threat Americans realize they are under has increased.

The Lame Cherry makes no predictions in this, but in forensic psychology points out that since the preaching of V for Vendetta recorded in a movie an American Civil War, by the elite, the 1% are again engaging in denying an outlet for stress to Americans, and the result will be a mass heightened tendency to violence, which is intended for 1% results.

There has been a coordinated effort in the press from The Atlantic and now the Washington Post to distance the ranks of Soldiers from their Commander in Chief with fictional accounts by the President and accounts where the President commanding the Obama political minder officers, castigated them that the Bush league no longer knew how to win a war.

'Dopes and Babies' Fighting 'Loser War': Trump Reportedly Berated Military Top Brass

"A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump's Testing of America." The book, by Washington Post reporters Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, will be released Tuesday.
Trump, according to the book, began referring to the Afghanistan War as a "loser war" and telling the Joint Chiefs and others in the room they "don't know how to win anymore."

These are intelligence directed plots, a great deal more coordinated than the William Kristol neocon coups, and equaling the manifestations of the Brennan / Comey / Obama Pissgate Coup, led by Adam Schiff in Congress.

These are the Tavistock Institute and Edward Lansdale machinations of psychological operations. This is the Lame Cherry warned of Socio Conglomerats as Dwight Eisenhower cleverly warned Americans of the non threat of the Military Industrial Complex. The MIC was the real threat to SC and Eisenhower knew it.

Just recording the realities to keep you informed as this is not my fight, but you do not need a poor orphan girl ,as you cast me aside after you hid behind your keyboards in 2016 while I had Homeland interviewing me, and of course you have all your portfolios and luxury, and being so brilliant, you see all of this, and are not being drawn in and brainwashed by it all.

Nuff Said

