Monday, September 21, 2020

The Ruth


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 Liberals are beyond help.

When I saw these heartwits laying hands on the Supreme Court and the Stephanopolous duo bawling in a car for 45 minutes when old Ruth Bader Ginsburg was dead, and she screwed over the entire liberal movement by not retiring under Obama, I just knew that all of these leftists are insane literally.

I never had a cow with Scalia died as my world is in Christ, not in these horrid people in government.

That is why when the arrogance of the corpse of Ruth Bader Ginsburg will lay in state at the Supreme Court, it was like, "What the hell else does the world have to do, to have this old woman gone, as even dead, you have her still stinking up the halls."

So as a Lame Cherry tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we give you the Ruth Bader Ginsburg tribute from Lame Cherry which she so rightly deserves.

In honor of The Ruth, Chief Justice John Roberts has on sale in the lobby a souvenir post card of "I survived the Supreme Court for well wishers viewing the RGB corpse.

This candid send off comes from Joe Biden, who was reminiscing with Ruth in assuring when she died, that he would be the first one fondling her corpse.

 Chief Justice John Roberts was put out, when he found out that RGB was to be displayed on his desk. The Chief Justice was heard to exclaim, "I don't care if she is tiny, I don't want to catch cancer or being a Jew".


Later, John Roberts was accosted by Justice Sotomayor who informed the Chief Justice, "No that smell is not Mexican in the cafeteria, it is Ginsburg in the lobby!"


Fortunately, SC Johnson did a rush order of Glade Corpse Freshener to be delivered to the Supreme Court as an extra strength deodorant for the occasion after the Justices complained of that burito smell when the cafeteria was preparing roast pork, bacon potatoes and asparagus with pork sausage now that there were not any Jews on the Court to complain.



 Of course liberal mourners for The Ruth, were elated that they can recycle their COVID 19 masks to keep out the unwanted odors of a dead old woman.


Lastly, the two lesbians on the Court, started a wild conspiracy theory that The Ruth did not die of cancer at all, as it was all too sudden, in she really died from Coronavirus.

And as there were complaints of darkened skies over Washington DC, not from ANTIFA fires, but because of swarms of blowflies descending on the Supreme Court building in anticipation of The Ruth's arrival, SC  Johnson again came to the aid of the Court in producing an extra toxic version of Raid for the Ginsburg blowfly, a new species which has appeared, devouring everything from concrete to used tampons.

Have a Ruth day, liberals, as you deserve it.

Nuff Said
