Monday, September 28, 2020

The worst movies Ever

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Once upon a time, I did not sleep. I was up all night watching horrid things on television, which now is a waste of time, in I have absolutely no interest in. In all of those hours, two movies still stand out as the worst cinema ever.
Granted I was studying directing, but I could not believe that millions in coke money was wasted on such shit.

The movies are Treasure of the Amazon and Opposing Force.

It should be surprising in Treasure,  starred Stuart Whitman and Donald Pleasance, two very entertaining actors. What I most remember about this low budget stupid movie, was an Amazon riding around in the jungle with a German who Donald Pleasance portrayed and she had her tits exposed, while Whitman beat up some guy trying to rape Ann Sidney, or at least I think it was her.

Treasure of the Amazon

Opposing Force

Opposing Force starred Anthony Zerbe, again one of my favorite actors. The cast included Richard Roundtree, again an ok actor. Tom Skerrit was involved in this, and he sucks the life out of every picture.  I was surprised his being involved in Alien did not kill that franchise before it started.

What was memorable in this low budget was Anthony Zerbe raped Lisa Eichhorn. It was rather disgusting as she was not attractive, she was dirty and sweaty and Zerbe was just sort of old man humping her.

Treasure was amusing in the rape and Force was just disturbing, mostly because you are disturbed by again the presence of Tom Skerrit in you wonder who liked having their dick sucked by him that much that he kept getting into pictures.

There should be a law against things this bad, but then Obama was in the White House 8 years, so that kind of law would wipe that out too.
