As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
OK so around September 1st, I started aching. Laid down and it hurt like hell to get up. I ached in the afternoon.
Then SPLOOSH in the toilet appeared that night, and TL had the same thing strike TL.
I have no idea what this was, but it was not normal diarrhea. I suspected another phase of the Coronavirus bioweapon we had been exposed to.
TL did throw up one morning and felt like it. The symptoms between us seemed to be TL was about 8 hours ahead.
As this sucked, we once again tried the well disclaimed Tonic Water, Vodka and a halved pill of zinc.
I think we had a fever with this, but what is a fever when you are both digging a basement out by hand. Can't take time off in being sick, as winter is supposed to come and I do not want to freeze my ass off.
So two days of tonic water and additions and TL recovered. I'm in recovery mode.
I do not know if this is the shit which will plague America this winter or if this was another Corona exposure, but I honestly believe the tonic, vodka and zinc helped.
Anyway you can do with the information what you want as I was the guinea pig with TL and in us being the guinea pigs, you of course in your luxuries can rely on doctors who are pedaling the injection cures, which I will never take.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said