Friday, October 16, 2020

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Share Pedophile Gene


 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Maybe it all seems obvious now, in Joe Biden using his little boys to seduce the wife of another man, named Jill, who would become his wife, and the boys joined in, in this Bidenship with Benefits, but with Joe Biden fondling little girls chronically and the new revelations on the deviancy of Hunter Biden, it is evident the Biden males like em young, pedophile young.

There is more than speculation from Twitter, there is a Business Insider article which states that the FBI Agent who was investigating Hunter Biden was in the child pornography division,  and OANN reports there was a Hunter Biden underage obsession in the photos stored there.

That computer was owned by the Beau Biden Foundation.



Guarantee there's child porn on Hunter's hard drive. Business Insider article says FBI agent who signed off on warrant for Hunter's hard drive works "child porn" division...Now OANN reporter says she saw the hard drive & there is "underage obsession" stuff on it.


 There is real journalistic integrity reporting on this. The editorial board of NATO's DSC for one. People have seen this Pedophile Hard Drive and the judgment is in.

The question is, the FBI has had this hard drive for some time. Why in hell has there not been an indictment on Hunter Biden over child porn trafficking.

Be prepared for some extremely disturbing, sick material from the Biden laptop.


Founding editorial board member, NATO's 'Defence Strategic Communications' journal. Center for Security Policy. Still on Committee on the Present Danger-China.

From the FBI covering up the Biden crimes, there is the reality that once again "European" intelligence "experts" are blaming the Russians for being behind this. The Russians? I suppose the Russians had Hunter Biden stick a bong in his mouth, Hunter Biden  tweaking his nipples in a tub and Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden having perv sex, and Hunter Biden dressed up like a lounge lizard who hangs out at child daycare exposing himself.

This is NOT rumors of Donald Trump hiring children to piss on the sheets of Barack and Michelle Obama in the Steele frame of the President. This is ACTUAL movies and pictures of Hunter Biden having deviant sex, stoned on dope, posing as a perv and receiving emails confirming Joe Biden met with Ukrainian officials, lied about it, and his son was receiving bribes as Joe Biden sold the office of the Vice President of these United States. 

To refute the bullshit that this was not Hunter Biden's laptop and this is some Russian operation, the fact is that Hunter Biden's idiot attorney, phoned up the computer repair store owner and demanded that his client's hard drive be returned.

GIULIANI: I emphasize to you how this is authenticated. First of all, I did and my lawyer did. Okay, you don’t have to accept that. I gave them to the New York Post and they held them for a week and authenticated them. I mean, I don’t think the New York Post would publish them without being absolutely certain they’re authentic. Finally, they don’t even dispute that they’re authentic. And I’ll give you the best one of all. The big-mouth lawyer made a very big mistake. Before this was even out, when it was just they were called about it, first thing he does is call that merchant and he says, “Can I have my client’s hard drive back?” So (laughing) he’s basically admitting for his client — as his client’s agent — that’s Hunter Biden’s hard drive.
