Thursday, October 15, 2020

Projection 21



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 The Molotov Mob has told the world that Joe Biden is 14% ahead of Donald Trump. Absolutely ridiculous numbers, as bizarre as Hillary Clinton ahead by 10%.

You are told to think in the short term of these fake data are to suppress Trump voters from going to the polls.

 Three predictions, same conclusion: Trump victory on Election Day   onenewsnow


As the polling indicates, the Trump voters can not be suppressed. They believe themselves political invincibles and a Coronavirus can not stop the President, the First Lady and Lord Barron.....they are immune too and living life as Americans in not hiding behind masks.

46% of Biden voters enthusiastically support Biden. 76% of Trump voters enthusiastically support him.

That 14% is not just to attempt to steal an election. That 14% is the same message to those nuts who were wearing Pussyhats in 2017 and they now have Soros funded ANTIFA terrorists and Buffett funded BLM terrorists in this Obama Intifada.

Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton have told this nut mob that Biden will not concede. This is the old trick in forcing governments to give terrorists a seat at the table.

Project this out. Trump wins. Biden claims he is President of Delawarevania for life. The paid mobs have been shitting in parks for the summer and proved in North Dakota Indian uprisings under Obama that they can shit in the snow to their delight.

Webster Griffin Tarpley stated that what was coming was a split of the DNC into communist and socialist wings to rule America. That has now become a reality. The logical conclusion is that Donald Trump will with the GOP fix America with socialist policies.

Americans who are armed to the teeth, are going to expect a crackdown after the Obama Smouldering Summer of Discontent. Already the President has voiced his displeasure with William Barr for not arresting the coup plotters. It will be those on the Right who will be accepting of a crackdown, in the vengeance is mine, being avenged, they will be more than willing to trade for socialist policies to get America focused on a real recovery.

The Inauguration would be an ignition point. The President once legally inaugurated would, have the full authority to crack down. February would project a series of crushing blows to the communists, which of course would victimize them and Obama establish them for a new rising star, which should be elected sometime in 2032 AD in the year of our Lord.

From the spew coming out of Biden, the United States will be downtown Peking by then in the global authority.

Just for your contemplation, there is not any way that the ammunition shortages in the United States are from binge buying. Obama caused the shortage in 22 ammo, by diverting all production to over a billion rounds of 40 Smith and Wesson. Somewhere in America there has been production. It has not been for shotgun shells. It has not been for handgun ammo. Companies gear up for production runs, so something under President Donald Trump has been doing a massive production run.

There is something screwy going on in this shortage. There is a centralized reduction in historic American cartridges. There was a distinct push for AR 15 production for the past decade, to weaponize and familiarize a massive group of armed citizens.

There is a projection of power on the horizon.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
