Friday, October 9, 2020

Trump's Magnificient Antibodies



One thing that’s for certain: Don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it,” he said. “You’re going to beat it. We have the best medical equipment. We have the best medicines.”

"Don't let it dominate, don't let it take over your lives,"



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Why do you take aspirin? To feel better right? 

In reading the medical rants though of the confirmation that President Trump now has antibodies in his blood for Coronavirus Wuhan, betrays anything humane in all of these quacks and media whores who hate Donald Trump and desire him suffering.

The Lame Cherry though examines this with the reality that the Trump Cocktail which was administered on the onset of this deliberate infecting of the President, is curing the President. This should be celebrated as this experimental treatment which placed the President at risk, and is now proven safe, most swiftly than the FDA would allow in two months minimum is soon to be available to all infected people, who had lethal strains of this virus.

Remember how this began on Friday morning. The President was running a 103 temperature, had congestion and a cough. Dr. Conley examined the President and began treatment. By afternoon, the President was up and the fever was broken.
This was remarkable and it does not matter that it was the combined cocktail, any more than taking vitamins and other chemicals cures leukemia, because it is working. The purposes of a medicine as stated is to make you feel better. You don't take Nyquil to feel worse. You take it to relieve the symptoms so your body can rest and you can recover more quickly.

The ghouls keep talking about 7 to 10 days, and those are problem days for the lethal strain, which the President was deliberately infected with. Senator Glanzer of South Dakota, being exposed to feces, died after a relapsed, but he did not have available Chloroquine or Ivomec with Zinc, nor did he have antibody therapy.

What is taking place in the President's body is the cloned antibodies, are anti Coronavirus killers. They have been hunting down the virus and killing it. The virus has not been replicating after the initital infection.
The virus has not had the time to embed in the President's system, and cause the immune system to go into overdrive which is part of what kills the infected people with L strain. What the ghouls are complaining about, is the same thing people have been innoculated with from small pox to measles, in you get vaccinated, your body produces antibodies and those antibodies, keep you from contracting a plague.

The plague in this case is Coronavirus Wuhan, a biological weapon, and the antibody injection has simply speeded up the process, because it was not the President's body, but another recovered patient's body who produced the antibodies.
The time limit on antibodies with Coronavirus have ranged from 6 weeks to several months.  The yearly flu vaccine offers a like window of protection.

The President has responded as he should, as he must keep active as these Obama series of viruses kill people by drowning them if they lay too long in one spot sleeping or resting.


Trump Spotted Working From Oval Office: WH Pool Reports


 A White House physician has announced that President Donald Trump's vital signs remain stable and within the normal range, with POTUS not suffering from any coronavirus symptoms for at least 24 hours. The doctor added that the president has not had a fever during the last four days, while his immune system is producing detectible levels of COVID-19 antibodies.


Just like all vaccines are supposed to help the human body, this Trump Cocktail has negated this biological weapon. The ghouls know very certain that there is not going to be an autoimmune spike, because the President's body has not been overwhelmed.

Now that the treatment has been proven on the President, the 1% who have faced lethal effects, have an immediate remedy. People can believe the President in they do not need to live in fear. Those like without insurance, of course, have to resort to Faith and other remedies I have posted here, but for the majority of people, they have an effective remedy, and the President's case has proven that this treatment works within hours.

The President has been short of breath, which is part of this biological weapon, but the effects are not permanent, but healing takes place in a few weeks. It has nothing to do with debating or normal activities. It simply is like all influenza's it requires a few weeks to be restored.

None have to wait for some DNA changing injection from Bill Gates, as the remedies are available and the President has proven that Chloroquine did protect him earlier this summer in other attempts on his life, and the current antibody injection is now available.

One more thing, as the ghouls keep making it sound like 8 grams of the Trump Cocktail is some bathtub full of treatment the President was injected with. For the record, 3 teaspoons are 14.3 grams. The President has less then a teaspoon and a half of injection. That is not even an IV bag.

 This has attempt on the President has been turned into a blessing. The FDA is now under scrutiny for not releasing treatments. The availability of this treatment will spread, demand will increase, costs will come down, and people will not have to worry about this biological weapon as the S strain will dominate and the cure will take it's natural course.

Everything about this treatment has been acceptable. Only the slight heart palpitations on Friday as the President's body began dealing with the treatment in processing it, as the Coronavirus began to die off, as the antibodies killed them, the body has to adjust as it still thought it was gearing up to fight an infection, are something to be aware of, but as this was something in passing, like a slight allergic reaction, it is nothing that I and others do not deal with several times a year without any problems.

This is a very fast, safe and successful interdiction. Would any of us like to be over the common cold in a few days, instead of two weeks.

It needs to be stated again, that President Donald Trump deserves everyone's thanks, and he definitely should be awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine as he used his body as an experiment, and he will save numerous lives over this, because it has now been proven that those who survive a biological weapon, and produce antibodies, can have them replicated for the benefit of the entire world population.
The President has fast tracked this treatment years, and the reality of this is, the President has taken the greatest step in history, as what most have attempted with nuclear arms reduction in Star Wars, Donald Trump in his body, has found a way to make biological weapon's obsolete.

This is something the President deserves full credit for.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


